Monday, February 1, 2016

Acquired child behavior and relationships with parents

Acquired child behavior and relationships with parents

Teaching – is that the acquired child behavior, relationships with adults and peers, moral knowledge and feelings are the Foundation on which the deepening of existing and the assimilation of a new, the development of new forms of moral behavior, consciousness, feelings, relations.
     Psychological is considered as a process of ascent from lower levels to higher and rely on positive, on previously acquired experience.
To reveal the essence of continuity in the development of students moral values, we have chosen the following aspects:
1) to determine the specificity of the concept of “moral personality”;
2) to identify the characteristics, types and features of continuity in the development of students moral values;
3) to provide a theoretical model of continuity in the development of students moral values.
Consider in more detail each of the above components.
1. Currently, the ethical, psychological and educational research there are different approaches to determining the nature of moral development.
Thus, in philosophical and ethical literature views of scientists can be divided into two groups.
The first group of authors comes from the understanding of moral development as a process of “gradual mastery of the principles and norms of the existing morality”(1). So, for example, G. G. Almanbetov believes that “the moral development of the individual is the assimilation of man in the process of individual development of lords at this time, norms of behavior and turn them into personal moral qualities”(2). This same position is shared by a number of other researchers, which, in essence, equate the moral development of the personality, with its progressive development visit international adoption community.
The second group of authors (A. M. Micklin, V. A. Podolskiy, E. S. Likhachev), describing the moral development of the individual, believes that development is not limited to progressive changes and therefore the moral development of the individual, in their view, is the process of folding her moral integrity, i.e. a new level of unity (conformity) moral consciousness and behavior of the individual, as well as their components, in the presence of certain moral orientations (dominant). The result of the development of personality can be positive (progressive line) and negative (line regression) the moral(3).
Without entering into a discussion on this issue, we note only that all authors see it as a qualitative change of personality.
Speaking about the structure of moral development, V. M. Sokolov(4) believes that it is necessary to proceed from the structure of morality.
In this regard, he identifies a number of systems and subsystems. The content of morality as a system of social phenomena consists of the following components:
– moral relations,
– moral motives of action,
– moral sense,
– moral consciousness.
Each component of the system consists of independent systems provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist. Their separation allows the author to formulate a number of important provisions related to determining what changes in the development of morality. In the General social development changes all the system components look for more info international adoption agencies.
In pedagogical literature, this problem is reflected in the writings of O. S. Bogdanova, E. V. Bondarevskaya, M. D. Grishina, A. V. Soskovskogo, I. S. Mar’enko, V. I. Petrova.
Despite certain differences, we can distinguish a General trend, the essence of which is that the process of moral development is associated with qualitative changes in moral consciousness and behaviour and expresses the process of understanding, finding it existing in society moral values.
The problem of moral development was widely covered in the foreign literature (E. Thorndike, L. Kohlberg, A. M. Mau).
L. Kohlberg sees moral development as the individual’s internalization of basic cultural rules of social action. The criteria on which to judge the degree of moral development of the individual, are intellectual, behavioural and emotional see more on international adoption public discussion group.
Intellectual – includes knowledge of relevant standards and regulations and the ability to Express their judgments, behavioral – the ability to resist the temptation to break these rules, and to emotional – feelings of guilt when violating these rules.
Moral development, in his opinion, represents the absorption of certain fixed social content.

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