Basis of behavior, “lifestyle” of the person laid in early childhood
In the last decades of the twentieth century has greatly increased
the interest in the child as to the developing person. Modern society
increasingly became concerned about not only the mental and physical
development of children, but also question the mental health of future
In this regard, it should be noted the study of foreign and domestic psychologists that confirm that the basis of behavior, “lifestyle” of the person laid in early childhood. The world around us, with the original inconsistency, leaves its mark on the psyche of the child, which in turn is a small reflection.
Society carries with it certain responsibilities, which influence the norms and forms of life.
Being dependent on aid society, every child finds himself face to face with a world that gives and takes, which requires adaptation to itself, but at the same time satisfies the living requirements of the child. The satisfaction of instincts of the child interfere with obstacles, collision with which painful. We can say that his mind is born in situations of childhood that require integration in order to allow a normal life.
Thus, because of their inexperience, the soul of a child forced to be in a state of selection of the most acceptable ways of interacting with the world. This choice always involves an internal struggle, a conflict of motives, desires, interests, conscious and unconscious levels, with the aim of eliminating painful, interfere with normal development, contradictions.
The problem of occurrence of internal conflicts has interested many researchers of the human psyche (K. Maslow, K. Levin, D. Skinner, N. Miller, V. N. Myasishchev, A. I. Zakharov, etc.) But the most complete description of the development of the child’s psyche, based on its inherent conflicts, have produced such famous psychologists as Sigmund Freud, C. G. Jung, A. Adler, K. Horney. In these theories the basis for intrapersonal conflict is the category of contradiction, internal strife and the concept of psychological protection (overcoming the conflict), resulting in a flow associated with negative feelings.
Many authors are inclined to see the cause of conflicts in adverse situations, in which there is a formation of the personality of children; the disparity between the attitude of parents towards psychophysiological features and personal characteristics of children, which in turn is a constant source of mental stress and can lead to mental strain, to personal development of the neurotic.
Neuroses in children – the most common type of neuropsychiatric pathology. As psychogenic diseases emerging personality disorders in affective-pointed form reflect many of the problems of human relations, first of all understanding and communication between people, searching for his “I”, the best ways of self-expression, affirmation, acceptance and love. Originally neuroses are emotional disorder, that occurs mainly in conditions of disturbed family relationships, learn more on aspects of international adoption programs. The increase in the number of neuroses in adults, primarily the parents, affects the increase in the number of neurosis children, creating a kind of vicious circle, to break which is possible only by the simultaneous provision of effective and affordable psychotherapy and psychoprophylactic assistance to all its participants provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.
Outline some of the ways that can be done psychotherapeutic work related to intrapersonal conflictof children.
Form of metaphor in which the tale is most accessible to the child. This makes it attractive for work aimed at correcting, training and development.
Under skazkoterapiya correction refers to the systematic strengthening of a potentiality and creative abilities, through which there is the overcoming of problematic elements. Skazkoterapiya correction eliminates legislative change negative behaviours. Instead, it is proposed the principle of “expanding the range of alternative reactions.” That is, a person in a fabulous form is offered a variety of models of behavior in different situations and given the opportunity to play, “live” as much as possible of these models. Experience shows that the more a person Arsenal possible reactions, patterns of behavior, the better he adapted to the conditions of the surrounding world.
Observation D. a Pennebaker and co-authors that literary activity helps to overcome the effects of mental trauma, in some measure true regarding fine art.
Fine art allows you to achieve a state of psychological comfort, while the artist turns to the audience. Regardless of whether the child is engaged in literary creativity, draws or says, he carries out the “translation” information from emotional to cognitive level. Simultaneously with this change his attitude to the past traumatic experience and their mental deficiencies learn more on International Adoption Ukraine share you views and experiences.
For therapeutic purposes use game that helps to “play” baby its internal conflicts. It is assumed that “the spillover of emotions through play in a safe atmosphere will reduce the child’s anxiety level, and it will be easier for them to adapt to normal social requirements.
The game is most widely used in the treatment of anxious children. Some psycho coming from a variety of theoretical approaches that seek to explain the essence of conflict that occur in it; others use the game as a form of social learning, as a means to “lose” the difficulties as a way to establish friendly relations as a type of situation that can be severe, for the reorientation or retraining. Their objective is to make the child “better”.
Psychotherapeutic methods and techniques can be used individually and in combination. It all depends on the creative direction of the child, of his temperament, the nature of his personal problems. The main thing – time to identify alarm condition of the child, to assess the risk and identify ways of overcoming the psychological discomfort.
In this regard, it should be noted the study of foreign and domestic psychologists that confirm that the basis of behavior, “lifestyle” of the person laid in early childhood. The world around us, with the original inconsistency, leaves its mark on the psyche of the child, which in turn is a small reflection.
Society carries with it certain responsibilities, which influence the norms and forms of life.
Being dependent on aid society, every child finds himself face to face with a world that gives and takes, which requires adaptation to itself, but at the same time satisfies the living requirements of the child. The satisfaction of instincts of the child interfere with obstacles, collision with which painful. We can say that his mind is born in situations of childhood that require integration in order to allow a normal life.
Thus, because of their inexperience, the soul of a child forced to be in a state of selection of the most acceptable ways of interacting with the world. This choice always involves an internal struggle, a conflict of motives, desires, interests, conscious and unconscious levels, with the aim of eliminating painful, interfere with normal development, contradictions.
The problem of occurrence of internal conflicts has interested many researchers of the human psyche (K. Maslow, K. Levin, D. Skinner, N. Miller, V. N. Myasishchev, A. I. Zakharov, etc.) But the most complete description of the development of the child’s psyche, based on its inherent conflicts, have produced such famous psychologists as Sigmund Freud, C. G. Jung, A. Adler, K. Horney. In these theories the basis for intrapersonal conflict is the category of contradiction, internal strife and the concept of psychological protection (overcoming the conflict), resulting in a flow associated with negative feelings.
Many authors are inclined to see the cause of conflicts in adverse situations, in which there is a formation of the personality of children; the disparity between the attitude of parents towards psychophysiological features and personal characteristics of children, which in turn is a constant source of mental stress and can lead to mental strain, to personal development of the neurotic.
Neuroses in children – the most common type of neuropsychiatric pathology. As psychogenic diseases emerging personality disorders in affective-pointed form reflect many of the problems of human relations, first of all understanding and communication between people, searching for his “I”, the best ways of self-expression, affirmation, acceptance and love. Originally neuroses are emotional disorder, that occurs mainly in conditions of disturbed family relationships, learn more on aspects of international adoption programs. The increase in the number of neuroses in adults, primarily the parents, affects the increase in the number of neurosis children, creating a kind of vicious circle, to break which is possible only by the simultaneous provision of effective and affordable psychotherapy and psychoprophylactic assistance to all its participants provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.
Outline some of the ways that can be done psychotherapeutic work related to intrapersonal conflictof children.
Form of metaphor in which the tale is most accessible to the child. This makes it attractive for work aimed at correcting, training and development.
Under skazkoterapiya correction refers to the systematic strengthening of a potentiality and creative abilities, through which there is the overcoming of problematic elements. Skazkoterapiya correction eliminates legislative change negative behaviours. Instead, it is proposed the principle of “expanding the range of alternative reactions.” That is, a person in a fabulous form is offered a variety of models of behavior in different situations and given the opportunity to play, “live” as much as possible of these models. Experience shows that the more a person Arsenal possible reactions, patterns of behavior, the better he adapted to the conditions of the surrounding world.
Observation D. a Pennebaker and co-authors that literary activity helps to overcome the effects of mental trauma, in some measure true regarding fine art.
Fine art allows you to achieve a state of psychological comfort, while the artist turns to the audience. Regardless of whether the child is engaged in literary creativity, draws or says, he carries out the “translation” information from emotional to cognitive level. Simultaneously with this change his attitude to the past traumatic experience and their mental deficiencies learn more on International Adoption Ukraine share you views and experiences.
For therapeutic purposes use game that helps to “play” baby its internal conflicts. It is assumed that “the spillover of emotions through play in a safe atmosphere will reduce the child’s anxiety level, and it will be easier for them to adapt to normal social requirements.
The game is most widely used in the treatment of anxious children. Some psycho coming from a variety of theoretical approaches that seek to explain the essence of conflict that occur in it; others use the game as a form of social learning, as a means to “lose” the difficulties as a way to establish friendly relations as a type of situation that can be severe, for the reorientation or retraining. Their objective is to make the child “better”.
Psychotherapeutic methods and techniques can be used individually and in combination. It all depends on the creative direction of the child, of his temperament, the nature of his personal problems. The main thing – time to identify alarm condition of the child, to assess the risk and identify ways of overcoming the psychological discomfort.
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