Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Divergence in the abilities and behavior

Recall that in the twentieth century, a similar experiment was done repeatedly. One family even anthropologists took the baby monkey, which was born simultaneously with her child, and raised him as my own child. Up to two and a half years everything was seemingly the same, but with three years - a sharp divergence in the abilities and behavior. A human child has evolved as a person, but the little monkey was not able to become Mowgli in the human world.
"What soul!?" -cried about the "little Parisian trained" opponents. In the question about the soul of La mettrie materialistically ruthless. "The soul is devoid of content, the term, which was not based on any ideas. Sanity, can use the term soul to refer only to the part of the body which thinks, that is the brain", answered critics of the great philosopher.
This, of course, an exaggeration. Historians of philosophy and science repeatedly discussed the treatise of La mettrie the human-machine. Many thinkers came to the conclusion that in man it is better to use a dialectical notion of the organic whole, in which there are new relations missing from the mechanism.
However, of La mettrie correctly noted that a living organism makes involuntary movement automatically without any action of the soul. He told me about it as always fun...

     One drunken soldier sword blow Osiek head Indian cock. Cock remained on his feet, then walked and ran; stumbling against the wall, he turned, flapped his wings and continued to run and finally fell. The muscles of his when he was already lying on the ground continued to move.
     I've seen it all himself.

So, we have seen that of La mettrie makes the most determined materialist (although not mechanistic) conclusions only as a result of many physical observations. "What value can have against such a strong and sturdy oak of the weak hand of divinity, metaphysics and the various schools of thought?" - he writes. This is baby toys, similar to the rapier of our gyms, which you can use to pleasure yourself to frolic, but in any case not to defeat the enemy.
Its Creator somewhat monotonous echoes and exhibit our Cabinet of curiosities, the famous man-machine...

     Break the chain hung over you prejudices: arm yourself with the torch of experience, and you'll do nature a well-deserved honor. Only open your eyes and leave aside all that you cannot understand.


There is an opinion that people can build their happiness. This is often mentioned to us the proverb: "the Man himself is the architect of his own happiness", "Happiness under the callus lies", "Happiness is not in your wallet, happiness is in your hands".
However, a more widespread view of happiness as luck, random luck, and it suggests that happiness does not depends on the person. Refer to the thought of Aristotle.
"The crowd thinks that the happy life is life lucky or not without success; and she is probably right, because without external goods, which are sent by random luck, you can't be happy. No one can say that randomness is the nature. There, where nature is the cause of something, every time she produces mostly the same, the coincidence is not so, but randomly, haphazardly, and why it is spoken about the case in relation to these things. Not say that randomness is something like a mind or correct reasoning, because in them is no less orderliness, and immutability, but not the case. Maybe random luck is some concern the gods? Or, perhaps, you must not think that? God, we recognize that mastery over such things and distributes good and evil according to merit; however, an accident resulting from chance encounter truly a coincidence. If we suppose that God distributes randomly, then acknowledge his wrong or unjust judge. And this God is not customary." (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - P. 359). Reflecting on this, Aristotle drew attention to the fact that neither fair nor brave, virtuous or anyone else not called lucky, since justice and courage, like any virtue, depend on the efforts of the man himself. Thus, the word "successful" has many meanings: we are called fortunate who, contrary to his calculations had a chance to do something good, and who instead of the expected loss a profit.
"So, the luck is that we get good, how did not expect, and not being evil, what was waiting. Thus to obtain the good characteristic of random luck to get something good is a Fluke in its purest form; not to be subjected to the same evil - happy previtamin. Random luck, thus is the nature of acting thoughtless." (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - P. 359).
From this good luck must be distinguished another, more closely connected with happiness, "at which the man laid by the original impulse to the benefits". (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - P. 359).
Coincidences in our life, there are many, and they are different. There are numerous circumstances proving favourable. They make our life more happy and joyful, and to use them "perfect and upright". (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - P. 71). Such eventualities are identified with many luck, happiness as such. But in life often happen, on the contrary, adverse events that constrain and overshadow our lives, bringing suffering or sorrow. Therefore, you can make quite a bold conclusion: randomness in pure form, are pleasing or overshadow us, have on the lifetime of the average person is quite little impact.
That "smile of destiny" or luck, by themselves, do not constitute happiness, is confirmed by the psychological fact that not everyone who was "lucky" (a remarkable impersonal form of the verb used here), going through what happened as happiness. Meanwhile the experience, the feeling of happiness is essential last. Happiness is such, if it is perceived with all the soul of man as something bright and comprehensive. That is, it fills all of the space, making the experience a higher octave of joy, leaving the person not only filled pleasure, but also inducing them to radiate around the vibration of joy and goodness.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Thanks to the virtues of the soul

Thus, "happiness is the highest and most perfect good, bringing the greatest pleasure." (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - P. 67). At the same time, happiness is something common to many, because "we all live in the soul", and "happiness is a certain activity of the soul in the fullness of virtue." (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - P. 74).
Very well said Aristotle:
"We live nothing other than the soul. But in the soul and virtue: about the same we say that this action of the soul and that is its virtue. Every virtue, as we said, makes good what it manifests. The soul does, of course, and much more, but above all, it is that by which we live; thanks to the virtues of the soul, we can live well. And a good life and well-being we call is nothing like a happy life. So, a happy life and happiness consist in living well, and living well means living virtuously. In this purpose, happiness and the highest good. And happiness must consist in some kind of use, i.e. in action; because, as we said, and when given possession, and use of, the goal is just to use, i.e. acting. The soul has virtue, but for the latter it is also possible that the application of the virtues, and, therefore, the aim in this step and use. And happiness is to live according to virtue. So, since the Supreme good is happiness, and it is the purpose and ultimate goal - in activities, living with virtue, we can be happy and have the highest good". (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. - M., 1984. - S. 303).
Therefore, any man, being virtuous, in order to operate for the benefit of, may be happy. But everyone needs to remember that person makes you happy and positive mindset, because discouragement can destroy all the good and virtuous undertakings.


Experiencing happiness depend on eras and cultural characteristics of a people, traditions and customs, as well as from several other factors. In the experience of happiness adequately manifest the specific features of morality. First of all, happiness is always present assessment act, situation assessment through the prism of high moral values, not from the standpoint of petty selfishness.
The ancient thinkers raised the question of the correlation between happiness and virtuous behaviour. However, equally important and beliefs of the person, his interests and Hobbies. The formation of the relationship of the individual to different events in the life very important for both mental attitude and experiences of the fullness of being. (L. A. Popov Ethics. A course of lectures. - M., 1998. - P. 80). So no wonder they say that when we cannot change circumstances, change your attitude towards them. In this regard, it is pertinent to mention the following saying of Seneca: "Unhappy the one who is happy does not consider himself". (Seneca. About happy life // Roman Stoics: Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius. - M., 1995. - P. 157).
In fact, whether the person caught the "bird of happiness", depends not only on external, even if favourable circumstances but also largely from him, from his activity, aimed at a high, but not transient, low-lying. Plus you have to remember that "happiness is free bird: where wanted there and the village". Therefore, you cannot force a man to be happy. Nevertheless, the hope of attaining happiness, faith in the feasibility of happiness were, spiritualized person at all times, making the human life meaningful and informative.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The crunch of breaking the remnants of common sense

Lifespring (Lifespring)... How many in this word... hell all intertwined and said. Translate this English word for "spring of life", and as "source of life", and as "the dawn (beginning) of life," and even as "spring (spring) of life." For the Russian ear these shades are elusive, but the word foreign very vigorously ringing in the brain. What could be the equivalent in Russian? Probably "brains-zing" — the crunch of breaking the remnants of common sense and human lives under tank treads crushing everything and everyone "Lifespring" and other similar pseudoterminal.

And what are high-sounding name of "training companies" that offer this product: "arbiter", "planet of success", "the rose of the world", "My world", "Open world", "peace Foundation", "step into the future", "fulcrum", "Spring of life", "Source of life", "light Source"... pseudopatients ("Bible", charismatic) sects names are often very similar or even exactly the same. True, the "companies" can be emphasized and business signs, as, for example, "the Moscow training center", "Top training company", "Academy of Trainings" (M. Lyakhovitsky) or "the International Academy of Corporate Management", which does not guarantee the quality and safety of services offered. Let us also mention the "Watergroup"[1] as an example of "solid-foreign" names.

An interesting result of the validation of the hypothesis

According to our research all kinds of manipulation of information were rated as more deceptive than a truthful message. This fully corresponds with the theoretical and empirical model of IMT Makkormaka. The result shows that in the context of Russian firms implemented individualistic tendency of interaction, which manifests itself in a specific, direct communications, and do not approve of indirection in business communication.

Interestingly, the deception and the breach of manners, the study participants were rated as less misleading than a lie and a violation of propriety. Previously described Signs that business partners in a small business is extremely prone to half-truths and various secrets (Marks, 1994). Such specificity of business communication in Russia has been particularly relevant in unstable for the economy of the 90's and, apparently, remains and now. Not to say the truth, in the opinion of the Russian people, does not mean to lie. This clearly shows the explanations that were given by the participants of our research in evaluating deception. Often they explained the hype as:: "really", "still true," "True, but ..." the Participants tend to pay attention to what is in the message, but what it lacks is not paying enough attention.

As stated above inappropriate message was perceived as significantly less truthful than the hype. Assessing the violation of the relevance of the participants explained their choice in roughly the same way: "Clearly not entitled" "avoiding the Nonsense the left is" "Evasive, then something is fishy and therefore lies". In General, for recipients omission of critical information, the omission of reasons is even less misleading than information that in principle may be very true, but not relevant. The appropriateness of the violation notice easily and because it raise doubts and mental anguish, "what shadows?".

Sensing message with the violation of manners, recipients evaluated them as less misleading. The reasons for this may lie in that ambiguous to support non-verbal message is interpreted as frivolous and as such it is the attitude of more loyal than to lie and relevance. It should be said that the breach of manners is the most difficult to read, and when analyzing the results we can see that some of the recipients have valued this type of violation as highly misleading. Perhaps, in the perception of violation manners as anywhere else requires high social and emotional intelligence.

Another possible explanation is based on the phenomenon of "lies". Lies, as noted by Signs typical of Russian self-consciousness socio-psychological phenomenon (Marks, 1999). Lies, it is intended that he will eat, however, a liar may try to reduce the seriousness of the situation, and if you happen to avoid the deserved punishment. If a lie is also common and accepted in business communication, this phenomenon can act as a particular style of communication in Russia, like "nunchi" in South Korea and "mianzi" in China. Building on this idea we can assume that individualistic trend of the Russian society smooths out this special style, not allowing him to be generally applicable, however this does not mean that it is not.

An interesting result of the validation of the third hypothesis. Deception from the mouth of the head appreciated by the participants of the study as more than misleading than cheating in a situation of business communication peer employees of the company. Perhaps the fact that the head of more opportunities and responsibilities, and because of his deception forms the greater seriousness of its communication, where deception is not appropriate and therefore is assessed as less than truthful. If in the normal situation ("employee-employee") on the evaluation affected by the fact that the employee still told the truth (albeit not all), "supervisor-employee" decisive importance takes that missed the head, as his position imposes on his words a special significance. Based on this reasoning, we can assume that the higher the seriousness of the situation, the more misleading will be perceived deception.

Summarizing the above, we can derive an interesting result. The results of this study partly correlate with all the previous studies and on a sample of Western culture (Lapinski, Levine, 2000) and on a sample of Eastern culture (Yeung, Levine, and Nishiyama, 1999; Park, Ahn, 2007; Murai, 1998). Indeed all the methods of delusion are characterized as less than truthful, however, you can say that there are two groups of methods differ in the degree of veracity. The first group includes the most deceptive methods: false and inappropriate information, the second the group means of perceived (but not reduced) more close to the truth: deceit and breach of manners. This combination of the early obtained results may reflect a cultural feature of Russian people involved in business communication.

Test technique to evaluate the degree of perception

To test the above hypotheses has been developed a test technique to evaluate the degree of perception of the ways of manipulating the information as misleading. The methodology was laid 9 situations of equal value of business communication: failure to appear for an important meeting (3) failure to perform working duties (3) report on an unsuccessful business trip (3). To each situation were clearly spelled out by the participants of communication: or "staff member – staff member" or "staff member – the head of the Department" or "Director – employee". After the description the situation of the research participants was presented with a question and five responses that were variants of its further development (in random order). One message was true, in others, violated the principles of quality, quantity, relevance and manner of transmission of the message.

Example of technique:

"an important meeting came a staff member. An hour before, he forgot about the meeting, went to the clinic to issue the permit in sanatorium. The head of the Department asks about the reason of absence. The employee replies:

1. "Soon many new businesses will appear: the loan needs to be paid back, child in a kindergarten to arrange, besides the repairs in the apartment there".

2. Coughing and putting his forehead to his hand: "I was in the hospital and completely forgot about the meeting."

3. "I got in a small accident coming out".

4. "I completely forgot about the meeting and went to the clinic to make a tour to the resort".

5. "I was in the hospital.""

The survey participants were to rate each of the messages, based on the facts set out in situation, on a 5-point scale (Likert scale) with 1 being the least true (i.e., misleading) to 5 – the most truthful (i.e. the least misleading). Then you had to explain your choice. These explanations confirmed the external validity of the methodology. In General, the research participants explained their answers in accordance with the theory of IMT.

After several testing methods have been changed some answers, and simplified instruction. The respondents ' answers incorrectly carrying out the instruction was excluded from the analysis. The survey was conducted individually, anonymity of results was guaranteed.

It is possible to identify four hypotheses:

1. Messages in which there is a disturbance in the quality, quantity, manner and relevance of transmitted information, will be evaluated as significantly less truthful than messages that do not violate these principles.

2. Messages out the number of the transmitted information and the violation of the manner of its transmission will be evaluated as significantly less deceptive than messages that violated the principles of quality and relevance of transmitted information.

3. The perception of the method of confusion is dependent on situations of business communication (the status of participants of communication), in which an interaction takes place.

4. The perception of the way misrepresentation does not depend on the particular situation of business communication (the status of participants of communication), in which an interaction takes place.

Culture influences the perception

It is obvious that culture influences the perception of the ways of introducing misconceptions, and this idea is particularly interesting in the context of Russian culture at the crossroads of East and West. Besides the factor of culture the authors also describe the influence of the peculiarities of the situation on the perceptions of ways to manipulate information. For example, according to Levin, the importance of the situation largely determines the perception of deception.

Internal communication business clearly reflects the overall specificity of a culture is its orientation. The Russian experience, at the crossroads, trying to synthesize the advantages of Western and Eastern cultures (Sedov, 2003), therefore interesting and relevant to investigate what features of perception of the ways of introducing misconceptions will be manifested on the Russian sample in situations of business communication with different status (employee, supervisor).

Cultural aspects of the perception

Since the beginning of 90-ies, was conducted a number of studies aimed at identifying features of perception of different ways of introducing misconceptions on different samples with the use of IMT.

First, the fundamental study of Makkormaka, conducted in 1992, revealed that all types of manipulation are misleading. This study formed the basis of the above concept.

Jacobs questioned the results of the study of Makkormaka and proposed the principle of "quality superiority", in which he realizes the idea that a misrepresentation is necessarily effected through the breach of the principle of quality. However, further studies confirmed the high validity of the first model (Lapinski, Levine, 2000).

Then the young colleagues have identified cultural aspects of the perception of types of manipulation information on the students in Hong Kong. The result of this study was that students of Chinese culture is not perceived violation of the amount of transmitted information and the violation of the manner of transmission of information as deceptive (Yeung, Levine, & Nishiyama, 1999). According to Yang IMT is based on Western (individualistic) culture and, in applying it to specific Chinese culture distortion may occur. For example, in Chinese common culture, indirect communication style, and because omissions, refusal of criticism and exaggeration are not perceived as misleading.

Park and Ahn (Park, Ahn, 2007) found that Koreans do not perceive the violation of the manner of transmission of information as misleading. According to the researchers it affects common in Korea indirect style of communication – "nunchi" which involves the violation of several principles of normal communication.

Consider the options of infringement of the principles

1.The principle of quality determines what the dialogue will be to provide information that they consider is truthful. The violation of this principle creates a lie. Returning to the difficulties of definition of this phenomenon, we can say that the lie is deliberate, covert manipulation of the quality of the transmitted information.

2. The principle amount is based on the expectation that the contribution of the participants in the dialogue will be as informative as the situation requires. Violation of this principle, well describes the deceit, concealment and silence.

3.The principle of manners is based on the expectation that the other person will present the information clearly and in a manner that fits the situation. Violation of this principle, well describes the situation, when a person tries to mislead the interviewee by transmitting information in an ambiguous and unclear manner.

4. The principle of relevance is based on the expectation that the other person can provide information relevant to the issue, and will not deflect the conversation from its essence. The violation of this principle fits under the term "subversive response" (Turner, 1975), in which the interlocutor redirects the conversation, deflecting it from dangerous facts.

Theories of deceit

Traditionally, most researchers have focused on the study of lying (or fraud), whereas more subtle forms of introduction confusion has remained largely unexplored. The reason for that is the absence of a viable theoretical framework that could combine into a clear system different ways of introducing misconceptions, explain the mechanism of lies and has helped to identify clear and understandable definitions of these phenomena (Anolli, 2001). The creation of such a theoretical framework has become one of the main objectives in recent decades, and this has led to the emergence of various concepts. The most developed and modern concept – theory of manipulation (IMT).

IMT is currently one of the most discussed theories of deceit, it attracted the attention of psychologists from different countries (e.g., Anolli, 2001; Lapinski, Levine, 2000; Muraj, 1998; Yeung, Levine, and Nishiyama, 1999), however, Russian psychologists, this theory has not met, so it will be useful to describe in detail.

The theory of such manipulation was developed by Professor of the University of Michigan Makkormaka in 1992. The concept includes the idea that any behavior, the purpose of which is misrepresentation, by secret violations of the principles of dialog and is a manipulation of information. Dialog these principles were developed by the Gris, and include the principles of quality, quantity, manner and relevance.

Moreover, Gries made General, joint principle is an unwritten rule of communication that regulates the basic principles. According to the logic of Makkormaka, deception and lies occurs when there is a secret, deliberate manipulation of belief that both parties adhere to this General rule (Masip, 2004).

The term "misrepresentation" is a broader term lies and deception

In addition, the process of perception of various kinds of misrepresentation affected by the situation in which there is communication, there is an interesting question about the difference of perception of the deception from the chief and the subordinate in the context of business communication.

Another difficulty is clear and understandable distinction between the terms lies, deception and misrepresentation, as well as operationalization more "subtle" types of dishonesty. Most researchers draw the line between lies and deception, however, looking at scientific literature, it is easy to see that not infrequently these terms are mixed. The reason for that, in my opinion, in linguistic difficulties. The term "misrepresentation" is a broader term lies and deception, but the constant use of such bulky structures is problematic and so there are "liars who lie" and "liars who lie". But lies and deception in the psychological research literature describes other ways of introducing misconceptions. For example, Ekman (Ekman, 2003) describes the situation when the communication partner speaks the absolute truth, and in the quantities sufficient for a proper understanding, however, intends to do it in such a manner that the other person comes to the wrong conclusion. Turner (Turner, 1975) examined the so-called "diversionary responses" that mislead the interviewee, deflecting the conversation away from the required information.

The problem of determining lies and deceit

The solution to this issue is impossible without a clear and understandable definitions of cheating, lying and more subtle kinds of manipulation.
Deception became the object of serious scientific study for a long time. Since 50-ies of this issue began to do foreign psychologists, but the domestic science slowed down the ideological factor and, for this reason, the first large-scale study of cheating began to appear not so long ago – since the beginning of 90-ies. Now research fraud thrive and, therefore, there is a need to build bridges between domestic and foreign science about the lies.

After the first studies showing the first serious problems is the problem of determining lies and deceit, as well as the question of the relationship of lies, deceit, and misrepresentation.

With regard to definitions, the definitions are so many, how many researchers of this issue. For example, Ekman defines a lie as "a deliberate decision to mislead the person information, without notice of its intention to do so" (Ekman, 2003). A leading Russian specialist in this topic displays the following Signs definition of lying: "the deliberate distortion of subject know the truth" (Marks, 1993). Masip, having conducted a theoretical analysis on the subject, outputs a generalized definition: "a deliberate attempt, successful or unsuccessful, hide, or fabricate (or/and to manipulate) various (factual and emotional) information, verbally or non-verbally, with the purpose to create or maintain in another belief, which the Communicator considers to be different from the truth“ (Masip, 2004). The total that can be allocated in different definitions is that (1) is false necessarily an intentional act, (2) a lie may take place in different ways, and (3) the liar should be convinced of the falsity of the words (i.e. it should not be a cognitive error). Even at first glance it becomes obvious that the most respected definition difficult to understanding.

Question about the perception of deception depending on the culture and social status of the participants of communication

In modern society with developed system of communication capacity, blurring the boundaries and distances increasingly important for scientists psychologists issues of deception, lies and the quality of information transmitted as a whole. Despite the fact that cheating is morally reprehensible, without it not conceivable human relationships, and because the deception must learn to understand and to make him adequate respect.

In management psychology about the matter lies not developing quite actively, however, there are significant studies of corporate lies, trade secrets and security negotiations (Tarasov, 2007; Hubbel, chory is working for you-Assad, Medved, 2005).

There is another, interesting, yet poorly investigated question about the perception of deception depending on the culture and social status of the participants of communication. The modern world, under the sign of globalization has allowed businessmen of different countries actively interact, and sometimes because of cultural differences, it is difficult to reach an understanding. So, Nishiyama (Nishiyama, 1993) revealed that many of the strategies that are considered common practice in business communication in Japanese firms, the American colleagues is interpreted as deceptive, which certainly has a negative impact on the continuation of cooperation between them. For example, for Japanese it is normal, when his personal beliefs are to the detriment of official interpretation, and the American this mismatch is regarded as hypocrisy. In this vein it is interesting peculiarity of Russia as a country at the crossroads of East and West, which includes both.

Person to recreate his Cosmos

In "the Myth of the eternal return" by Mircea Eliade points to the power of archaic and pre-Christian (even "out-Christian" regardless of time) the whole person to recreate his Cosmos (ordered world) from Chaos (nothingness or full of memories and confusion). Archaic and pagan mythology is always cyclical in nature: linear time became important only in Christianity where there are unique acts, such as the birth, the sacrifice and ascension of Jesus Christ. So for the archaic, the pagan man, it becomes possible to "fix the world", which had been created at a critical the end of one yearly cycle and the beginning of the new. The collective unconscious, and in our time, still trying to repeat this ritual: it is not in the "adult" rites of the New year, however it remained in children's parties. New year's performance in most cases tells us about the "evil forces" that tend to celebrate the New year (stole the maiden, lulled Santa Claus, stole a bag of gifts, etc.) and on their curb, essentially saving the world . Dances around the Christmas tree, accompanied by a "great figure" — Santa Claus, reminds us of the symbolism of the World Tree and our the existence in the middle world of the mortals.

Myth and ritual is always the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos, because myth is closely connected with ritual in primitive cultures. To restore order was possible only through the adoption of the myth at that time and in that place, when the reality is again destroyed by the breakthrough of chaos (for example, in critical disaster situations or at points of rupture times at the end of one and beginning of another cycle). So far, the ritual is able to assert a myth: it happens with state, social and military rituals, claiming the idea of certain social rules and relationships as a given: the inauguration of the President, military parade, the commemoration of the fallen soldiers, "the first ruler" in school, etc.

The myth peculiar to the greatest concentration of saturation of meaning

Mythological locus allows you to focus a specific meaning and force in the "world of ideas" is sufficient to be common in the world of everyday life. That build individual and collective notions of man about the world.

From the mythological matter are born and created religious myths, tales, epics, political ideology, social representations, national identity, ancestral traditions, family legends. And we may here present the following characteristics of this symbolic of the first substance:

Myth literally; there really is not a metaphor. A metaphor is born in the transition from the world of literal characters in the world.

The myth peculiar to the greatest concentration of saturation of meaning. Here pelagicheskoi dominates the thinking and casual (causal) significance of any alignments.

The myth — the root story of all the many reps, as told and lived.

Myth is ambivalent: thanks to its symbolic nature, it assumes the polarity of opinions and views.

A myth is created, not given above. Mythological form to be created by human culture.

A myth is a view of the world that does not require proof, only faith and meaning.

The myth translates the individual and the society outside. He can quite well describe the world and its components on various grounds; otherwise unrepresented in the myth of the phenomenon will be marked as external "chaos" versus "ordered cosmos" of the myth.

Manifest nationalistic views and religious intolerance

Common collective myths are beliefs expressed in the formula "We good, they bad": so manifest nationalistic views and religious intolerance, "the war of the sexes", the stage performance of "teenage rebellion." Civilizational myth of Western culture (both Christian and Islamic) is a representation of his religious knowledge as "the beacon of truth" for other unenlightened peoples. In the last three centuries this Messianic myth has mutated into the idea of scientific education and the promotion of democracy of backward countries and peoples.

Common individual myths at the moment, we may call beliefs about fatalism (all destined, fated) and its polar extremes — individualism (the fate a man makes himself). It is noteworthy that the polarity of the individual in these provisions are entered when the collective religious beliefs of particular have lost interest in this issue or disagreed. In addition, each individual carries a unique compendium of various myths, various aspects of collective beliefs, or typical representations, creating your own unique mythological picture of the world.

In the narrow sense of the word "their myths" we might call some "important story" and "meaningful images", whose existence principally to one man, his family, society, nation and civilization. So the eternal symbol is the image of the Mother, and significant and related stories will be something to match, but something different in different cultures and in different individual stories. How different the Christian virgin Mary, the Greek fertility goddess Demeter and goddess of the Norse Wild Hunt Frigga, but all of them had experienced the death of their children and mourned them. And for many women, their families, generic stories of this experience familiar and significant.

Consciously selected myths (religion, adopted in Mature age, political views, etc.) can be as a result of existential experience and an adherence to certain collective trends. Existential experience may lead to an entry in the myth (and it may itself be a reservoir of such experiences of many people) and conscious and conscious belief in anything.

Myth unites people in society

The myth is always real for the person or literally or metaphorically, as, for example, stories about the creation of man by God, or how some General gave his grandfather his cap. The myth tells whenever there is faith in him and everything that was painted or full of faith, when it comes again capable of becoming a myth. This is something that does not require proof, but he lives in views, because in every age. Some myths of the history of mankind ceases to talk, the other continues, and others again and again as if anew. For humans and humanity is the myth that creative force turning the chaos of impressions and disparate events into an ordered picture of the world.

But the myth is not just an ordered system of knowledge, and the structure of significant events and explanations of this world. Ritual, symbolic image of any culture, regardless of the code image (anthropomorphic images, fantastic characters, abstract patterns) always give us an excerpt of the myth, rather open or encrypted layers of the characters which is understandable for people of the era. This can be a divine statue or zoomorphic reliefs of the archaic ages, the allegory of the Enlightenment, the iconic designs of Persian carpets or Soviet propaganda poster of 1920-ies. Any visual "landmark" system culture is a static assertion of the myth.

Myth unites people in society, and because there are myths of family, national, local, public, cultural, human. At the family level, the myth will be a family legend, but it is sacred, a special value (e.g., a story about how people saw during the war a sign in the sky, "hammer and sickle", on the eve of the battle of Stalingrad). This may be a common story, about saving the girl strangers, but the significance of it will be large enough that will become a family myth. Not magic and supernatural experience makes the story a myth, and the significance (emotional "strength") of the plot the narrator and the audience.

Myths, in a General sense, are historical songs, bylinas, spiritual verses, legends, stories about evil spirits, little stories, etc. will also Mythological symbolic structures and rituals of culture and subcultures. If the destruction or lack of mythological significance of the cultural layer there is a myth, the sign and ritual of a narrow community, then it becomes a subculture. Hence the myths, rituals and signs of youth subcultures, religious sects, criminal subcultures and professional communities.

The myth in the broadest sense we will consider the image of the world (and of the individual, in his image) and the history of the world. The first function of myth is to protect man, giving him the limits of the knowable Space (within myth) in the midst of the chaos of the unknown. The second function we will call the development challenge, a test, a requirement that provides a myth of man, that he was able to realize himself not as an animal or natural creature and man.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The RISK is the risk of unexpected losses

A further disadvantage of the comparative analysis of statistical data about risk is that summary statistics can mask important and defining characteristics of risk. Where there is uncertainty or disagreement with facts, representations of the dot (singular) estimates may inspire overconfidence. Since people are especially interested in potential catastrophic accidents, it is necessary to consider also the probability and magnitude of other possible losses. For example, people's attitude to risk is influenced by the neglect of the statistical the summaries of information on the consequences of possible negative events, about the threat to future generations, about the ease of reducing risk and more.

The RISK is the risk of unexpected losses expected profits, revenue or property, funds, other resources in connection with a random change in the conditions of economic activity, adverse circumstances. The risk is measured by the probability of occurrence of a certain level of losses. The most dangerous risks with tangible probability of losses exceeding the amount of expected profit. Decided to allocate the following types of risk: banking risk, commercial banks; currency risk associated with unexpected changes in foreign currency exchange rates; credit the risk associated with the risk of no return, incomplete return or late return of loans; political risk due to the political changes and military conflicts on economic processes; interest rate — the risk associated with unforeseen changes in interest rates.

Not everything is relative

One of the most common approaches to deepening people's understanding of risks was to provide quantitative estimates for various types of risk. This approach assumes that information obtained in the consideration of such data would be quite useful to the process of making the right decision, as the scale of the individual and society. So, there is an opinion that we should try to measure all of our risks quantitatively, and then we will be able to compare these risks and to decide which ones to accept and which to reject. Lord Rothschild argued that there is no reason to panic regarding the risks of life until, until you compare the risks that you are concerned about, those that don't bother, but probably should bother. Clever, but what we will be looking at such information.

Usually, such arguments are accompanied by elaborate tables, and even a "risk catalogues", which represent the different indices of death or disability, for a wide range of life risks. For example, comparative data were selected for the risk that a person exposed for 1 hour, showing that 1 hour of riding a motorcycle is as risky as 1 hour stay at 75 years of age. Or, for example, developed a table of activities (for example, a flight for one thousand miles on a jet plane, 3 hours in a coal mine), each of which was considered to increase the annual chance of death of 1 out of a million. The compiler of this table stated that "these comparisons help me evaluate risks, and it seems to me that they can also help them. But the most important use of these comparisons should help us to decide, as a nation, to improve our health and to reduce the rate of unhappy cases". Similarly, other researchers ranked the many types of risks in terms of how they reduce the life expectancy on the basis of the assumption that "at a certain approximation, the order of the risks (in this table) must be order social priorities."

All these compilers comparative data on the levels of risk do not take into account the fact that the comparison of risks is not a decision-making procedure. It does not require the removal of particular findings, for example, the contrast between the risk of riding a motorcycle and the risk of old age. Moreover, even in aid of intuition, risk comparison has several inherent limitations. For example, although some people feel informed, knowing that one takeoff and landing aircraft reduces life expectancy on average 15 minutes, others are completely puzzled by this information. After all, when landing a plane you either die prematurely (almost certainly more than 15 minutes) or will not die. For many people, the average values do not cover adequately the nature of such risks. In fact, it was found that patients facing the prospect of surgery for lung cancer, also asked about the potential threat of death during surgery and its positive results, contributing to the increase in life expectancy. And it was quite reasonable that probably is caused by a person's ability in stressful situations to evaluate risks more adequately than arguing about them abstract.

Many features of perception and assessment of people risk

One of the most common effects of biased assessment of the facts is the tendency of binding judgments to the facts originally presented (figures estimated). Thus, in one experiment the first group of subjects reported that 50 thousand people die annually in car accidents, and the second group – that one thousand of annual deaths occur from electric shock. Although both messages were accurate, the difference in estimates of risks of death for different reasons in the two groups differed in some cases 5 times. In another experiment, the subjects estimated the risk of death from influenza. One group gave an average score of 393 death per 100 thousand cases of influenza. But the second group reported that 80 million people a year get the flu. In this group the mortality rate from the influenza was estimated at an average equal to 6 per 100 thousand cases, which is approximately 65 times less than in the first group.

It also identified many features of perception and assessment of people risk. People assess risk very differently when they see it in couples (e.g. husband and wife) than when judging about it separately. The decision to buy insurance policy is often cancelled when a problem looks like a choice between participation in a risky venture that promises in the future a large sum of money, or loss less amounts of money, but today. Similar options risk, described in terms of lives saved, can be evaluated quite differently, being structured in terms of lost lives. That is a very important and significant effects of format of the data and the context in which these data are presented. Such minor differences in performance risk have much psychological impact on how risk is perceived, and this suggests that the people responsible for information programs and data have very real opportunities to manipulate perception. Moreover, since these effects are not widely known, people can unintentionally manipulate his own perception through spontaneous rash decisions about how to organize my life.

The illusion of risk modern scientific "prospect theory"

Paramount influence on the perception and future behavior can be defined as the presentation format of risk. For example, activities that increase the annual chance of death from 1 in 10,000 to 1.3 in 10,000 would probably have seemed much more risky if it were described as giving a 30% increase in mortality risk.

According to modern scientific "prospect theory" (prospect theory), outcomes (results) that are only just possible, underestimated in comparison with outcomes that occur certainly (with a probability of 100%). As a result, any protective actions that reduce the probability of harm to, say, 0.01 to zero will be valued much higher than actions that reduce the probability from 0.02 to 0.01. Scientists say that mental representation of protective actions (or the mind's perception of risk) can be easily manipulated to change apparent confidence. For example, an insurance policy that covers fire but not flood could be presented either as full protection against the specific risk of fire or as a reduction in the redistribution of the total loss of property. Prospect theory predicts that the policy will seem more attractive from the point of view of the first perspective (called the "pseudovariety"), in which it offers unconditional protection against fire.

American psychologists conducted an experiment in the context of one particular type of protection is vaccination. Respondents were asked two forms in which describes the necessity of vaccination and its results. Form No. 1 (probabilistic protection) described a disease which was expected to cover 20% of the population, and it was asked whether people voluntarily get vaccinated the vaccine, which protects half of previewsize. According to the Form № 2 (psevdoberemennost), there were two mutually exclusive and equiprobable varieties of disease, each of which will probably cover 10% of the population, and vaccination will give complete protection from one variety of the disease and no protection against another. Study participants were recruited through an advertisement in the student newspaper of the University of Oregon. Half of them have the Form # 1 – Form # 2. After reading the descriptions, they rated the likelihood that they will be vaccinated in this situation, using a scale that ranged from 1 ("almost certainly will not be vaccinated") to 7 ("almost certainly will be vaccinated"). Although both forms showed that vaccination reduced the overall risk of a person from 20% to 10%, the psychologists expected that she will seem more attractive because who will receive Form 2 than those who will receive the Form № 1. And the results confirmed this prediction: 57% of those who received Form 2, showed that they will be vaccinated, compared to 40% of those who received a Form 1.

Self-confidence leads to self-deception

Although the psychological basis of unjustified confidence complex, a key element is insufficient awareness of people that their knowledge is based on assumptions, which often are insignificant. For example, 30% of respondents in the psychological experiments were firmly convinced that the murder is more frequent than suicide. These subjects were misled by the fact that the murders are much easier to remember, and they were, by virtue of its confidence, is unable to estimate that easy-to-remember events, is an imperfect basis for such conclusions.

According to the American researchers, 94% of University professors believe they are better than their colleagues do their job; 25% of College students believe that they belong to that 1% of students who know how easy to get along with others; 70% of students consider themselves the owners of leadership qualities beyond the average. Only 2% of students ascribe ability is below average. Thus, excessive self-confidence contributes to inadequate self-esteem and leads to self-deception.

Psychologists explain the phenomenon of self-deception many reasons: wishful thinking, prejudice, threat, other unconscious psychological factors that negatively affect human and shape it intention to adopt a particular point of view. In addition to these reasons can be grouped under the General title unconscious motivation, self-deception can be caused by so-called cognitive reasons, i.e. the inability to adequately assess available information. This is, firstly, a false perception of arbitrary information and to identify patterns where they actually no. Secondly, misinterpretation of incomplete or inconclusive information, and reasoning in terms of the singular focus on supporting facts and ignoring unfavorable data and the abandonment of their search.

Numerous studies have shown that most people attach excessive importance to information that confirms their beliefs. Much easier to see any information to support our point of view, than make sure they oppose it. At the same time negative examples require effort even just to recognize them as such, especially, to find them meaningful. It has been proven that the tendency to pay more attention and positive faith and supporting information affects a person's memory. Removing from the memory information associated with one or another approval, the people most likely remember exactly confirming his information.

The risk factor — psychogenic factor modified

In another obvious biases judgments is the tendency of people to consider themselves as having personal immunity from risk. The vast majority of people believe that they are better than average drivers that they will likely live over 80 years, and it is unlikely that a poison consumed drinks or food and so on. Although this perception is obviously unrealistic, in relation to the experience of the individual risk is always for some reason looks very small.

Consider the risk during driving the vehicle. Despite fast driving, cutting, etc., poor drivers make trip after trip without mishaps. This personal experience demonstrates their exceptional craftsmanship and personal security. Moreover, their indirect experience via the mass media shows them that when accidents happen, they happen with other people. Getting a similar, misleading experience, almost everyone will feel quite calm and confident in their own safety until the failure to take protective measures, such as the use of seat belts in the car.

The reluctance of people to voluntarily wear safety belts can be caused by the realization of extremely small probability of getting into an accident with a fatal outcome during a single trip. Since such accidents happen only once in several million personal trips, and resulting in incapacity damage only once per hundred personal trips, failure to wear a seat belt may seem quite reasonable. However, this solution appears to be less common, if to take into account the prospect of multiple trips and to consider the substantial probability of an accident in any of travel. So, in the pilot study the respondents were informed that in 50 years of driving (40,000 trips) the probability of death increases to 0.01, and the probability of getting at least one disability resulting in damage to 0.33. Study participants, having considered this prospect of a lifetime, belonged to the seat belt (and air mattresses) more favourably than did people who were asked to consider the prospect of single trips.

The risk factor — psychogenic factor modified (unusual) conditions of existence, characterized by the presence of threat to life. The risk factor has a significant impact on the experience of the person in extreme situation. At the stage of starting mental stress there is the mental tension that is manifested in facial expressions, speech activity, the depth of sleep, the changes of recorded physiological functions. The cause of the starting strain in the presence of a risk factor can clearly be seen, on the one hand, uncertainty in the reliability of technical systems, on the other – "play" in mental terms of the probability of possible emergency situations. People that fall into the changed conditions for the first time, immediately overcoming the psychological barrier of mental tension gives way to elevated mood, and even euphoria and psychomotor stimulation. At the stage of unstable mental activity in the conditions of emergency situations you may experience unusual mental States, manifested in the form of agitati (excessive excitation), and transient stupor (severe distress, which is expressed in the stillness and silence). At the stage of deep mental changes develop affective neurosis in the form of phobias, expressed motor excitation and prolonged stupor that can lead to inadequate reactions. The consequence of this is to increase the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome, in particular, disasters and major accidents.

About the dangers of life experience

In life we run the risk at every step: health, money, property and, in General, destinies. When we have to evaluate the risks, we rarely have at hand the necessary statistical data and we have to draw conclusions based on their own experience. Psychologists have identified some General rules of risk assessment used by the people. It turns out that these rules under certain circumstances help to make the right decision, but sometimes can lead to errors. The fact is that people judge about the possibility and frequency of different events, they can easily imagine or recall examples of these events. Alas, often our memory offers us images recent or most popular, and rarely occurring usually comes to mind.

The availability of memories usually is decisive in the assessment of risk and creates in the mind a whole set of preconceptions. Thus, residents of flooded areas are heavily trapped by your negative experience, so the forecasting of potential flooding, they are strongly influenced by their memories, anticipating the future as a reflection of the recent past. These features of human memory is successfully used by insurance companies. The conclusion of insurance contracts from floods, earthquakes and similar natural events dramatically increases after such disasters, and then decreases gradually with the fading of people's memories.

In psychology a feature of human judgment about events based on the accessibility of memories of past experience is called the availability heuristic. A particularly important result of availability heuristics is that unlikely, but an unusual and striking event is better remembered and easier to recall, thus increasing their apparent riskiness. The availability heuristic brings to the fore the vital role of experience as a determining factor in risk assessment. If the experience of the person subject to prejudice, his perception is likely to be inaccurate.

Risk is a situational characteristic of activity consisting in uncertainty of its outcome and possible adverse consequences in case of failure. In psychology the term "risk" correspond to three distinct, but interconnected meanings:
1) the risk measure expected distress at the failure in the activity defined by the combination of the probability of failure and degree of adverse impacts in this case;
2) risk as an action that in some way threatening to the subject loss (loss, injury, damage);
3) risk as a situation of choice between two possible options: less attractive but more reliable, and more attractive, but less reliable (outcome of which is problematic and is associated with possible adverse effects).

In search of a new sense of identity

Shoes as the choice of the path
Shoes in fairy tales we understand as a symbol of implementation, "clearance" individual path. So Cinderella still change your shoes and crystal shoes and not on the illusion. Karen loses rustic red shoes, but did not initially recorded the issuance of new, only confirmed the old lady decides to buy the girl new shoes. New shoes – a sign of transition to a new status, holiday shoes are a sign of social activity. Modern symbolic value of "the red shoes" is also quite sexual, but sex has ceased to be a guarantee of fertility and the continuation, strengthening kind, becoming more of a regulator of social relationships. Obsession with red shoes girls from Anderson fairy tales for the modern person often means the pursuit of social success.

This choice of life first occurs in adolescence (age Karen and possibly Cinderella). E. Erickson it is shown how the phase opposition of identity and the dangers of mixing roles: a teenager finds themselves in this constant choice. In search of a new sense of identity teenager sets himself against the world and a lot that was previously loved and close: it's his way not to blend in to the body, not to remain only a part of something. So not having a unique own identity, he takes group, new, youth, alternative, rebellious. Because Cinderella disobeyed her stepmother and went incognito, in a strange appearance to the ball. Because Karen goes against their patron Saint, and chooses red shoes. One lucky, the other does not. By the way, there is Prague the legend of the Miller's daughter, who was very beautiful and had rejected all the suitors, but wanted to go to prom and dance there. The entire village and father got together her outfit and jewelry, but at the ball it was not a success – not to hide it was simple manners and of origin so that no one began to dance. She didn't come home, and hanged himself nearby. This is the ball and was the daughter of the Miller of her Red Shoes.
You could pay attention to special care in choosing shoes separate youth subcultures: "the shoes with semolina" the hipsters of the 1950s, heavy shoes, skinheads, tall shoes with buckles ready. But this subcultural trait is not universal.

Understanding of the topic not bring transition

Here we would like to address the issue, often confused in the modern perception. Gestalt psychologist and researcher of the psychological meaning of fairy tales Rima Efimkina tend to focus on "psychological initiation" women, while the presence of her husband and children at times defines it as "formal signs". We do not share such a view of the author. We believe that the initiation of women, first of all, physiological and social, psychological reimagining of it is just figurative language that can create its own set of psychotherapeutic rituals. Understanding of the topic not bring transition, and a childless, unmarried woman to remain partly virgin, partly old, although it can enter the sphere of spiritual generativity. While married or having children a woman, for whatever reason, explain in a psychotherapy group, for example, that "does not feel like a woman", is rather the problem of social representations about what it is (in principle if there are no violations of the gender identity, the formation of which goes to a young child) than the "not successful activation" and "bad is not initiated by the mother." For example, the modern woman there was a need to "feel sexy" (previously, for many centuries, it was not a social requirement, moreover, very rare private wishes), and, nevertheless, to be forever young and beautiful is timeless also always welcome and demanded by men. But it's the problems of modern social requirements and their General inconsistency with the existing reality of the psychology and physiology of age, social niches, etc. Because we would not be a substitute for the conflict of personal ambitions and opportunities a lack of female initiation, even if considered high, psychological the key.

Primitive and traditional initiation always physiological and social, not psychological. It helps psychologically to cope with physiological and social changes, but its goal is not self-composure or human development, and the greatest adaptability to the society. Modern perception initiation, transition rituals and their modern modifications as a way to cope with internal conflicts, the intricacies of a rich mental world is deeply flawed. Often mixes the idea of initiation and understanding of the psychological separation of the adult of man in relation to his parents (which might not be in a traditional society!). Instead of studying individual neurotic breaks on the current stage of life, proposed a ritual imitation of escape from their parents. Retrocessional reflexive approach to the problem may be a convenient metaphor, but by no means is the reason and explanation for what is happening in the moment. Similarly, the appeal to the story of initiation, in particular the adoption of the adult girls in the women's community, see how we can help symbolic act and not as a direct solution to the problem.

Bal – confirmed: initiation time

Cinderella wants to go to the ball like it's her only chance in life. Perhaps it is true that there are sensitive periods in a person's life, in early childhood associated with the maturation of the mental structure of man, in later – his social formation. Adolescence is a time for separation from the world of the family and parents, the occurrence of a certain autonomy inherent in a collective culture, which includes the individual, as well as the entry into new alliances. E. Erikson this stage is called "Intimacy versus isolation" and it's related to finding a suitable partner. It this task is performed by Cinderella, trying on the ball: if it's not her only, best chance to find such. It needed to demonstrate their biological and social attractiveness to attract a mate. Judging by the fact that partner has shown enough response efforts for rapprochement and legitimized the relationship, her choice and strategy has been very successful.

Princess in red shoe: the messages that we encountered in the studied fairy tales

Stepsisters – Princess in red shoes: competition or selective pressure
In addition to maternal social assistance in the success of the marriage scenario, turns out to be important competitive pressure stepsisters of Cinderella. He is present in the versions by Perrault and the brothers Grimm and not only trying to prevent the heroine to the matrimonial selection, but subsequently to "kidnap" her lover. It is a kind of selective pressure can spur not only the development of biological and evolutionary biologists this is called the "red Queen effect", but also the social script. Notable history of the term: it is derived from the instructions of the red Queen from Alice of "Alice in Wonderland": she said that in order to stay in its place, you need to run, but to be in another – you must run twice as fast. Here in a striking way, we see the presence of red – the color of fertility and social activity, and guidance of older women, and even the requirement... run as fast as possible. These are the same outlines of the messages that we encountered in the studied fairy tales.

For Karen from tales of Andersen has not the competition, not emulate, there is a tangled connection with the object of identification or rivalry. This little Princess that she sees in the window of the Palace: neither the crown nor plume, but her feet wearing a wonderful red Morocco shoes, absolutely not comparable to those made for Karen bashmachnik, and who took an elderly lady. This image becomes the little girl's fetish, and there's nothing better for her. Here becomes evident the disparity of its claims first, focusing only on the sign of the status, and secondly, however, the sign is aesthetically perfect, and this is also important, thirdly. If the first red shoes in the girl's life were the only, and the other she didn't have a second red Slippers belonged to the Princess and become the aesthetic ideal for girls that are unavailable, but clearly desirable.

In modern society

In modern society there is also a layer of "youth" clothing. Thus, interestingly, the boundaries of gender are blurred for girls – teenage girl can wear and youthful style of clothing (while in traditional societies, after the above ritual is strictly forbidden to wear or to try on clothes of the other sex). Are characteristic features of both asexual "children's" clothing (t-shirt, jeans) and children's and erotic (short style dresses "lolita" girls, flat with buttocks too wide pants youths). Modern youth clothing shows deliberately iconic children's items (including fabric appliqué, replacing the bear on the skull with the lightning) and its symbolic destruction ("ragged" clothing, the deliberate negligence of style); she flirts with "adult" sexual style, daring, as well as willingly takes iconic items of clothing subcultures.

In this series of carnival masks we can see the painful search of his own image. Fantastic striking deformation of the image of adolescents in social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte etc) by means of graphical editors: the distortion of proportions, insert body parts iconic heroes, or even just body parts in the most unexpected places, your photos, etc. In adults, the application of the same technology (let's leave their personal characteristics beyond the scope of our study) is usually a fantastic background, and much less distortion in its own form. A continuation of this theme will be comics and movies about the transformers that turns your body into a perfect machine, or superheroes, suddenly discovered the amazing abilities. These images are used in advertising products that target audience (advertising bars "Snickers" in 2008-2009)

There is a need for Autonomous personal developmen

Characteristic is cruelty to yourself, autoaggression or stiffness of self-discipline. Also noticeable is a certain cruelty to others, because the teenager still did not know himself, and there is still no logical connection "another like me". This is a cultural attitude that has arisen, as a General humanistic principle, historically not so long ago. Instinctive acceptance of all living things, characteristic for "warm childhood" with host mother figure, in adolescence followed by inspections their sense of self, reexamining its ideals (advanced social experience to talk about that all so well relate to all living things). Instinctive rivalry and aggression also manifested already in childhood, in adolescence will be full of new vigor, by chance, in S. Hall adolescence is a time of romanticism and barbarism.

An invocation of the form originally due to adolescence, puberty and a corresponding change of forms of the body, accompanied with his assessment and competition, gaining social skills, self-grooming and its improvement. Also, is the attainment of the social form of the individual: with the onset of adulthood increased social responsibility, there is a need for Autonomous personal development.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Currently, Russia has such agreements with Italy and France

The Federation Council ratified the agreement on cooperation with Spain in the field of adoption of children from Russia, reports "Interfax".

"The main goal of the Treaty is to secure the interests of the children offered for international adoption. In based on the principles and provisions of the Convention on the rights of the child of 20 November 1989 and the Convention on protection of children and cooperation in respect of intercountry adoption of 29 may 1993", - stated in the explanatory note to the draft law on ratification of the agreement.

The document was signed in Madrid on 9 July 2014 and ratified by Spain on 16 October 2014. It sets out the principles for the adoption of children, requirements for future moms and dads, the procedure for monitoring the living conditions and upbringing of the adopted child and other aspects.

The Treaty provides for a ban on child adoption by same-sex couple.

Currently, Russia has such agreements with Italy and France.

Last week this agreement was ratified at a meeting of the state Duma of the Russian Federation. As reported at the meeting of the Deputy Minister of education and science Veniamin Kaganov, Russia now has in the Bank data on adoptions made 85 thousand children. This figure has decreased by about 20% compared with 2014, said the Deputy Minister. In Spanish families already live about 3.5 thousand Russian children. Citizens of Spain for the last nine years 7517 adopted children from Russia.

In total in Ukraine at the moment, are more than 400 children DNR

Adviser to the head of the Donetsk national Republic on the rights of the child Chepikova Jan reported that at the talks in Minsk the delegation of the DPR will insist on return of orphans who were transported from the Republic to Ukraine last year.
"Today in Minsk in the humanitarian sub-group would be heard on the question of the return of the children. Most likely, the Ukrainian side will do everything so that the outcome of the negotiations was unfavorable, but nevertheless, we will insist on addressing this issue," she said.
Chepikova also stressed that the Minsk negotiations is, first and foremost, political negotiations, and issues regarding children should not be considered in this format.
"Ukraine with its actions aggravated the situation of our children, and it is very sad that we consider questions about the return of children at the policy level. This should not be categorically", - she concluded.
It should be noted that today the Ukrainian side holds 85 orphans. In total in Ukraine at the moment, are more than 400 children DNR.
Chepikova previously reported that Kiev "top" illegally handed over for adoption ten children from Donetsk.

Reform of children's homes can open the door of the juvenile justice system

In recent years, Russia began to close children's homes. This is done under a policy of deinstitutionalization of orphans. The point is that children, left without parental care living in state institutions and in foster families. The idea looks nice and reasonable, however, some Russian experts in the field of child psychology see it as a serious threat.
The family-like environment
In may 2014, the Russian government adopted decree No. 481 on the activities of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care. The document comes into force on 1 September 2015.
From this day all orphanages in Russia are switching to a new form of work, becoming a family-type institutions. This means that the groups will be no more than eight children of different sex, age and state of health. As stated in the resolution, "first of all, full and half brothers and sisters, children — members of the same family or children in kinship relations, which previously were brought together in one family".
According to the initiators of the reform, the unification of different ages and different sexes of children in one group meets the requirements of the new "family" approach: in these families also live children of different sex and age. Thus, uneven-aged brothers and sisters will no longer be shared by different groups, and children aged up to 4 years in the group should be no more than 6.
Around the clock 5 days a week with children will live in caregivers — "social mom and dad". Conditions of stay of children in the groups will be very close to home.
It is expected that groups will remain on the premises, organized by housing type, with a separate kitchen, a place where children can do homework, etc. If you equip a kitchen for all rooms does not work, then the food should be prepared in the dining room and then be introduced to the group.
The closing of orphanages proponents of reform explain the fact that in recent years due to simplification of procedure of adoption number of children started to decline. According to the Deputy Director of Department of state policy in the sphere of protection of children's rights Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation Irina Romanova, the rate has decreased from 120 000 children in 2013 to 78 000 at the moment, and at the beginning of 2015 in institutions for orphans there were 87 000 students. Well and, accordingly, if in the institution only a few children, it is necessary either to close or to reorganize.
Even the word "orphanage" is rooted in the past. Institutions for children-orphans are now renamed "centres for the promotion of family education", etc. When they are created and schools for adoptive parents where a potential moms and dads can look to the children.
Great attention is now paid to support adoptive families. In ad-hoc centres are lawyers, doctors, psychologists, defectologists (which is especially important if the foster family took the child with disabilities). The establishment of such centers, according to a member of the Commission on the support of family, children and motherhood Public chamber Julia Silovoi, will greatly help solve the problem of employment of employees of children's homes closing. They can become specialists on support of families.
Family in a dangerous situation
At first glance, the picture is wonderful. However, there is a very serious problem that can significantly affect the fate of Russian orphans. Some of them on July 29, said the participants of the online meeting in the Public chamber of the Russian Federation. As noted Yulia zimova, "the main thrust of the reform that we are now trying all the children in the family and return to the blood (the relatives. — RP) family. I know that in some regions there is a stimulation of the Directors of the agencies to ensure that they gave the children maximally to their families".
But in the course of audits in the regions revealed one thing that caused the shock relying. The fact that some institutions for orphans are budget, and their funding is tied to completion of state tasks, in which one of the indicators is the number of pupils. There are other state — institutions, they have this "headache" no: they are funded according to the approved budget, regardless of how many children are in them. Because children entering children's homes, is becoming less budgetary institutions have, no matter how crazy it sounds, take them out families.
"While we are forced to work to return these children to their families, to arrange in foster homes, some organisations are forced to find ways to survive and "get" kids to do government work, from their dysfunctional families," explains Julia zimova.
"This means that juvenile justice will actively pursue the search for such families, and if not, declare a normal family "dysfunctional"," predicts Irina Medvedeva, child psychologist, Director of the Public Institute of demographic security, a member of the Council under the Commissioner for children's rights Pavel Astakhov, the co-founder of the community center on the family and traditional values "Ivan-tea".
How is this even possible? "There is this concept of "family at risk", — explained the Chairman of the Board of the center "Ivan-tea" Elina Cordlike. And in this category fall, for example, many children of a single mother — a perfectly normal, non-drinking women. There was a case in Diveevo, when one mother tried to take children. Natalia Finogeeva lived with six children, her husband left her, nobody came. To work had to travel far from home, had to leave the kids alone. Thanks to the efforts of the Orthodox defenders of children managed to return, but is unlikely to Natalia and her family will leave in peace..."
And here we come to issues not reflected in the resolution No. 481 and with no direct relation to it. This is, shall we say, problems are much more global order.
"Foster family" — a term that is widely used, sometimes as a synonym for adoption. However, from the point of view of the government the difference between these forms of the device of children-orphans is very significant. First, unlike adoptive parents, foster families do not receive full rights to the child and controlled by the guardianship authorities. Second, in a foster family, the child may be taken at the time and in some cases several times transferred from one family to another.
Foster families in the West are called "foster" ("foster", "replacement"). Some charities already controls for such practices in Russia. Foster the opponents of the approach say that the transfer of the child "hand in hand" traumatize his psyche. In people, this idea is also approved meets. Adoptive families we perceive as "Luggage storage", a way to "overexposure" the children how some vegetables at the wholesale warehouse. One of variants of translation of the English term foster care — "educating other people's children", but in Russia there is an old saying that "no other children".
"For most Russian women unacceptable even thought about the fact that you can take the baby for a while, says "Russian planet" Julia zimova. — Adoptive mom fighting for each child. In Krasnodar territory one such mother raising eight, and now, maybe, already and nine children. Some of them with down syndrome, delayed growth. In her home gym is equipped with special simulators, on the plot there is a garden, where the family engaged in farming, even bought the donkey".
At the same time, the country is still acute problem of social orphanhood. "We are talking about children who have parents but left without their care. Not in all cases such children can be adopted, — said the representative of the Public chamber. For example, there is often such a situation: mother is in prison, at the time of its conclusion the child is in foster care, but upon release, the mother may wish to take it. So adoption is not possible, a temporary stay of the child in family less traumatic to his psyche than the child home. But foster families for Russia it is a rarity, and their implementation in any case is not a key position of the state".
It is hoped that foster the spread of practices and indeed is not threatened. Too grim statistics they have in the West.
According to the public center for the protection of family and traditional values "Ivan-tea", only in the UK from January 2012 to December 2013 from adoptive families disappeared 24 320 children. Some of the children from foster families completely disappears, since the control is virtually nonexistent. The return of children to the guardianship in such families averages almost 50%. In the U.S. children from one foster family to another passed almost 15 times, on the Bulletin Board.
In countries that followed the path of deinstitutionalization of orphans before you start to regret. In the United States, the growing movement for the restoration of the system of children's homes (now completely destroyed) and a greater diversity of approaches in the field of social assistance to orphans. Participate in prominent American scientists.
Russia should not tread on the same rake. "Of course, in traditional children's homes, not everything was perfect, — says Irina Medvedeva. — But why you need certainly to shut them down, is it not better to try to restore order?! This area does not tolerate reforms, it should be the most conservative, the experiments on children is unacceptable! If you want to get rid of orphanages, do everything that the child remained in the family blood! Don't implement juvenile justice do not cry "family violence"! Better make sure that women do not leave children in hospitals".
Greed and lack of control
And now let's give the floor to the man who himself grew up in an orphanage. Here's what he thought about the reforms Valentina Grishina, engineer, landscape construction, and a graduate of children's home №39 in Pushkino.
"The most dangerous thing is the lack of control. The work of orphanages can control volunteers, boards of Trustees, adoptive families no one to control, she explains. — The Director of the facility knows that the child is given, say, Ivanov, but Ivanov can confiscate and pass to Petrov. About it nobody learns, and the more that happened to the child more. Maybe he fell into the hands of the Scientologists, the Pentecostals, or even in some kind of cult? Maybe it sold abroad on experiments or on the organs?
In the 1990s Russian children from orphanages adopted by foreigners were taken literally by planes. Flight attendants were terrified, looking at it. How many children have been taken, no one can count...
One only Hope Fratti-Sergacheva exported to Italy 1260 children, and only five of them were really adopted, others simply did not find... And the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Italy has admitted that there are lost every year hundreds of children brought from other countries, and suggested that they go to private clinics for organ transplants. And this is only one story, and how many was that?!
Various NGOs including the real sects, somehow received from the state legal access to the system of children's institutions of Russia. Some sectarian organizations have a contract with orphanages for volunteer service. When we started to make a fuss, the zealots a little quiet, but I think that it is long.
It is no accident we have so zealously try to implement juvenile justice. Her fear is that she not only denies parents the sacred right to education of the child, but also directly promotes the sale of children.
It so happens that from the orphanage the child is in a wonderful foster home where he feels happy. But if the child put the eyes, the juvenile will find an excuse to get him out of this family.
I have no doubt that the closure of children's homes are vested interests of officials. That's why there was talk about what terrible conditions in our orphanages and children suffer. Such a child could have, but "the reformers" this gives reason to comb one size fits all, including those whose conditions meet the requirements of regulations No. 481!
Thus, graduates of our 39th orphanage not just socialized, but will be ready for entry into prestigious universities. They are fully adapted to life — in all respects. I myself after the orphanage was able to do everything. The system of our education was built so that the brain has evolved, and hands, and the body was healthy. Sports for us were in the same way like brushing your teeth twice a day. And now there are excellent conditions for sports: Biking, skating, skiing...
But recently, in the orphanage №39 stopped supplying new children, and if so, do you mean "should be closed". This is the logic of the "reformers". They also like to say that the number of orphans in the country generally decreases eyes. But they call false numbers: actually orphans increases, including because of the situation in Ukraine. And no one can say exactly how many of them now! It turns out that in some of the orphanage children don't do, and this gives reason to talk about them closing, while others, 48th for example, is full!
The Soviet system of children-orphans has been good because it all, from beginning to end, was selfless, and now everything is decided by money. At the 39th children's home is a very good area: near Moscow is a beautiful place, 6.4 hectares of land. That someone, apparently, wanted all of this to seize. But we will fight for the 39th to the end!
In General, the main problems are two, and they are linked together is vested interest and lack of control. So one solution is to create independent boards of Trustees, which will monitor these issues, to monitor the fate of orphans".
How can and should be
"In recent years, increasingly there is a pattern: the more dangerous an innovation, the denser around the shell of humanism, says Irina Medvedeva. — Declaration, as always, are remarkable: by angry fate, the children were deprived of basic needs and family situation, and now — Oh, joy! — they return. Under the banner of concern for children trying to close orphanages. And for some reason it is the best, the ones that children find their family and they don't want to go into foster care. Even longtime graduates of these institutions fiercely stand up for them protection. Now we're trying to help them to maintain the sanatorium children's home № 39 in Pushkino and "Young guard" Vnukovo".
In fact, to create a child-family life conditions, not necessarily to close the orphanage and shove students on apartments and foster families. You can verify this on the example of the 39th orphanage. And not him alone.
Just 120 km from Moscow, in the Yaroslavl region is the Svyato-Alekseevskaya deserts. Under the leadership of hieromonk Peter (Vasilenko) it contains more than 200 children. Some of them are orphans, others live together with their mothers-single mothers, some with both parents, for whatever reason are not able to get into the complicated modern life. There live the monks and the priests. Live there and are just lonely old men and women.
In the desert very intensive spiritual life. Every day two people sing the Liturgy and procession, for more than 20 years or as long as there are deserts, its inhabitants day and night, every hour, one after another, continually read the Psalms. It's called Posypaem Psalm.
To teach children, there come the best teachers, professors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl and other cities. In addition to the Law of God and the Church Slavonic language, children learn Greek, Latin. And in the desert there is a cadet corps, a lot of clubs, more than 20 of the most diverse museums — Church plate, paintings and drawings, archeology and paleontology, furniture and costume, East and space. This, incidentally, is a very interesting fact. We are accustomed to the fact that the Soviet tradition of Orthodox oppose, but here they exist in peace and harmony.
In addition to training and aesthetic education, the children are attached to physical work. To work where there is: 500 hectares of land, livestock and everything necessary for a full life in the rural environment. The rest of the guys are also very rich of archaeological, palaeontological and other scientific expeditions. In General, in the holidays, they are not idle.
As a result, the children get completely unique for our times and primarily by its soundness and comprehensiveness of the education. They not only know much, but know almost everything. They grow and bake their own bread, churning butter, make cheese, care for animals, prepare for winter meat, mushrooms, berries, pickles. In fact, it is the synthesis of theoretical and applied education which you can only dream of.
According to Irina Medvedeva, "these children are not just grown men, received a classical education and high culture, they become a real elite, "leaven" for our entire society. No "new Russian" for any millions of any closed Lyceum London your child to give you".
Why are we so in detail tell about the town of Noginsk? Yes, because the children live exactly as written in resolution No. 481.
"They are divided into families headed by caregivers, teachers, nuns or someone's parents, — says Irina Medvedeva. — There live children of different sex and age. But there is one major difference: everything in this Orthodox convent — upbringing, education, treatment, nutrition, rest — guys get free. We have no selfish interest, no notorious per capita financing".
But in public policy it is, and in this regard there are already problems.

The girl wished to go back to Ethiopia

About psychologists warn all adoptive parents. When the slightest conflict in the family of an adopted child, a thought is to return to an orphanage or to relatives. Even if he knows nothing about her biological parents, implicitly it seems to him that with them he will always be better.
It is not known what crisis occurred in the family Jolie and pitt, after all the media knowingly gossip about the imminent divorce of the couple, but their adopted daughter from Ethiopia, Zahara said he wants to return to Africa. Close to a pair of sources believe that the girl is very vulnerable and jealous of brad and angelina to their own children. Zahara announced that she has a biological mother and probably she wants to live with her.

It should be noted that at the time of adoption, all documents adopted daughter star of the family was held as an orphan. Grandmother abandoned her at birth, the baby was taken to an orphanage, where she saw Hollywood actress. According to the same documents that were the child's father is unknown and her mother died of AIDS. However, three years ago it was found that the biological mother of the girl is alive and seeking a meeting with the daughter, whom she alleged deception took. Of course, the children immediately began to investigate and confirmed that the adoption was legitimate - the child officially abandoned by all relatives.
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Families with a third adopted child will receive a monthly cash payment

Families with a third adopted child will receive a monthly cash payment. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed the government to consider this issue.
According to the instructions of the President, the government of the Russian Federation will consider the question of extending the decree "About measures on realization of demographic policy of the Russian Federation", providing a monthly cash payment to needy families, in families in which the third and subsequent children are adopted, Interfax reports.
According to the decree, needy families monthly cash payment in the amount defined in the region of the subsistence minimum for children appointed in the event of the birth after December 31, 2012 third child or subsequent children until they reach the age of three.

The number of children-refuseniks in Russia has decreased by half over the past five years

The number of children-refuseniks in Russia has decreased by half over the past five years. In addition, for children aged up to three years, "the line" for adoption.

About it told on Thursday in interview to TV channel "Russia 1" authorized under the RF President on the rights of the child Pavel Astakhov.

"The number of abandoned children over the past five years has decreased by half. The family of these children-refuseniks to three years very actively carried out. We have a queue behind them," said Astakhov

Canadian family of three men looking to have a child

Canadian family of three men looking to have a child - the possibility of adoption or surrogacy, writes British newspaper Metro.
Shane Curran, Adam Grant and Sebastian Tran live Threesome with 2012. Before Adam and Shane were married, but after meeting Sebastian, they decided to expand their "family" of up to three people and divorced, not to put him in an awkward position.
"We don't want to Sebastian he felt like a "third wheel" in our relationship," says Adam Grant.
Now the three of them looking for the kid who want to pass on their genes. According to Shane Curran theater, both sisters volunteered to care for the child and even to be his surrogate mothers.
"We sleep together in the big bed - this is necessary when three people are in a relationship... We want to mix their genes so that our children were genetically close to us," says Curran.
In Canada same sex marriages since 2005, however, the law does not provide for the possibility of a "triple" marriages.

Russian woman Galina Koneva from the Penza region told about their 13 adopted children and two biological children.

The history of the participants of all-Russian contest diaries adoptive families.

The life of children in foster care and what it actually is to raise a child that you are not family by blood? So the Russians have learned more about usually hidden from prying eyes aspects of adoption, and was coined the first all-Russian competition of the diaries of foster families. At the moment it is in full swing, and organizers every day I get more and more interesting letters. "" publishes one of these stories. Russian woman Galina Koneva from the Penza region told about their 13 adopted children and two biological children.
Every child dreams of a loved one to share their grief and happiness. So thought my husband and I, visiting orphanages, handing gifts to children.
"And our family capable of such a good cause?" — we thought.
In the arguments and discussions on this topic concluded: we can, and in this we were supported by our sons, although it is understood that with the advent of the family of other children they will pay less attention.
Having studied the subject, I realized that it is harder to families who adopt older children. In this case, both parents and child need time to get used to each other, to reach an understanding in the most important issues. Adaptation of the child in foster care can be difficult because of the fear that if he refused biological parents, stepparents can do the same.
In 2007, I finally decided to take the child. It was an eight year old girl, her name was Christina. Just a year ago she lost her mother. Grandmother after her daughter's death, began to drink heavily, the custody decided to take Christine to the children's home. And we have made every effort she got there. For six months the girl was waiting for her grandmother will take away. Small, reclusive, shy man...
We understand that she needs love, affection, otografia soul. Defined the range of her interests, began a long talk on various topics. Often our conversations became arguments and discussions that contributed to the development of girls, has shaped her creative thinking, imagination. Labour is the basis of life. This idea also tried to reinforce in the minds of girls. Together with her to do homework, read a lot. A large influence on what she will need in the future to be a good hostess.
It's been eight years. Christina was an amazing child! Liberated, strong-willed, she was successful in school, in her portfolio 50 diplomas.
In 2008, once again visited the orphanage. A small child, holding hands, walked towards us, talking: "mother, Mother". It was a girl Nastenka. She was one year and four months. So there we have it. How much trouble and worries brought this child, but at the same time and joys. Together with her we learned to use the litter box, do not eat everything, picking up from the ground. Had to put a lot of effort and patience to teach and feed the ever hungry child. Now Nastya is in the second grade, the curriculum is given to us very hard, was affected after birth. But we are confident that this phase and we will overcome. Nastia loves to dance. We visit the circle dance and the Orthodox school.
2009, spring. Unexpectedly to our house to bring a girl home and from the doorway said: "Take me!".
Fifteen-year-old Julia has been in two foster homes, but for various reasons were returning to the orphanage, not losing hope to find a real family and understanding in it. About our family she learned from her friends, met and became friends with the eldest son Nicholas came to us. Looking into the eyes of the girl could not deny her the shelter, though, and if I can anticipate that this child will be very difficult to build relationships.
Julia was at that age, when the street attracted her like a magnet. Didn't realize what a family is, how people should live in the family. In raising Julia, without realizing it, took an active part in our children: everyone tried to talk to her, support her, showed interest and concern for her. She finished 9th grade, enrolled in a multidisciplinary College. Having finished it, got married and now she has a young child. We are happy to interact, help her, and she was sure that in difficult times she has to turn to for help.
In the same year we took another teenager. Fourteen-year-old Sasha have visited several orphanages. Suffering soul... the Character was very complex. A long conversation with Sasha, her ardent desire to help him struck a chord in his soul. "Adopt me!" — asked he. I had to explain to the teenager that we love him, but he will lose privileges for admission to the Institute, and for his future life education is very important, it is needed.
The choice of future profession is a very important step. Sasha consulted with us, where to study, whom to be. Finally unanimously chose Saint-Petersburg military space Academy. Sasha shared our belief: profession of the military, protecting the homeland is for him. In 2013 he entered the Academy in January 2014 participated in the parade in St. Petersburg , and on May 9, 2014, and 2015 in Moscow.
Our youngest was excited when learned that the senior was awarded medals for participation in the parade dedicated to the 69th anniversary and the 70th anniversary of the Victory.
In 2011 we were asked to take the Artemka. We arrived at the orphanage and learned that he has another little sister Olga, who in nine months have not been able to even sit. Took both. With her we had hard, we started from the beginning: learning to sit, walk, talk, eat. And how many of them cry, only attention was paid to them! And we all passed, now we are two of a dandelion, two red sun. Artem is now very alert and intelligent boy, he loves to play with the construction set, build houses, castles, airplanes — it's our future Builder. Olya — movable restless, loves to read to her various books, playing with dolls; takes care of the kittens and commands the boys.
In January 2013 we took the twins Sasha and Daniel. At Daniel was the disease of cerebral palsy. Left leg and left arm badly listening to him, we often have to stay in hospital because this disease requires a lot of attention to the child. Dan — dad's favorite, they with Sasha as if involuntarily separated: Danya closer to my dad, and Sasha — to me.
Sasha is a caring good kid, in his five years realizes that Danila is very difficult to get dressed, put on my shoes and he gladly helps to cope with this. In February we learned that they have three more sisters and another brother.
We managed to take them all, and we children are glad that they are not distributed to different orphanages.
Senior Stas — he's difficult: if something is not the way he wants, starts to cry, he has a strong gap in school performance. He certainly tries, but it still does not work. We help him to overcome these difficulties. At home he helps us, especially my dad, wants to learn it all.
His sister Julia, a little, little girl with brown eyes, with curly hair. This is a man of moods, if she wants to do, do it well, and if does not, then it will do very badly. She is studying in the third grade, knowledge average, we try to interest her in learning to read with her, talk, engage faithfully to abide by domestic tasks.
Vika is a completely different child, she is different from her brothers and sisters. Studies well, learning comes easily to her, a small speech impediment, but that we will overcome. She loves to draw, sculpt from clay.
They have another sister, Christina, she is disabled since childhood, her eight years, but the development she stopped at the age of four. We taught her to eat with a spoon, wash, toileting, dressing ,speech —to do everything you can do with any normal child. This year she went to first grade in the auxiliary school-boarding-school. We are proud of her: she achieved awesome results.
In the summer of 2013 we had another son, eleven-year-old Nikita. It was something... Us in the children's home it boast: said it was good, perfect baby. But it turned out to the orphanage he lived with his grandmother and he had complete freedom of action.
After the adoption I learned that Nikita with six years of Smoking, and to deceive adults usual phenomenon.
Had to take it under full control. Nikita learns well, but could be even better. Knowledge is given to him easily, but the street is very attracts, seduces. Have a lot to talk on the topic "what is good and what is bad". All the senior it receives special attention as it is adolescence. In the summer Nikita helped my dad in construction, and I was in the garden. With his older brother Jogging in the evenings.
If I had to describe the character and destiny of all our children, not enough sheets and time. We have fifteen! Everyone has their own temper, his ambition, his character! But all roads to us. We try very hard through attention, care and love to give them right direction in life, a clear idea about what a close-knit family.