Sunday, January 31, 2016

Child attitude to the world, to people, to himself

Child attitude to the world, to people, to himself

Self-esteem is the Central element of voluntary self-regulation, determines the direction and activity level of the person, his attitude to the world, to people, to himself. Is a complex psychological nature of the phenomenon. It is included in many connections and relationships with all mental formations personality and acts as important determinants of all forms and kinds of its activity and communication. The origins of the ability to assess themselves are laid in early childhood, and developing and improving it occurs throughout a person’s life.
In the psychological literature, both domestic and foreign self-esteem prominently. Questions of ontogeny, structure, functions, and capabilities of the directed formation are discussed in the works of L. I. Bozhovich, I. S. Kon, M. I. Lisina, A. I. Lipkina, E. Eriksson, K. Rogers and other psychologists. Self-esteem is interpreted as personal education, directly involved in the regulation of behavior and activity, as an Autonomous personality characteristics, its Central component, formed with the active participation of the personality and reflect the uniqueness of her inner world provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.
Leading role of self-esteem in the study of problems of self-awareness: she characterized as the core of this process, the indicator of individual level of development, its personal aspect, is organically included in the process of self-discovery. With self-esteem associated assessment functions of self discovery, incorporates the emotionally-valuable relation of personality to yourself, the specifics of understanding it myself.
The main conditions for the development of self-esteem psychologists have put forward factors such as communication with others and own activity of the child. In dealing assimilated forms, types and assessment criteria, individual experience is their approbation, the content of personal meanings. From the estimations of others, the child gradually separates out the criteria and methods of evaluation of the other and carries them to yourself. “Overlay” each other evaluation criteria and methods of evaluation and creates action by themselves.
The structure of self-esteem is represented by two components – cognitive and emotional. The first reflects the person’s knowledge about themselves, the second is his attitude as a measure of self-satisfaction.
In the activities by themselves these components are functioning in unity: in its pure form could not be submitted neither /I. I. Chesnokova/. Knowledge of himself, of the acquired entity in a social context, inevitably overtaken by emotion, the strength and tension which is determined by the significance for the individual estimated contents.
The basis of the cognitive component of self-esteem is comparing ourselves with others, comparison of their characteristics with the developed standards, record the possible mismatch of these values /L. I. Korneeva/.
At an early age in children, there is poor development of the cognitive component of self-esteem, self-image prevalent emotional component, reflecting a globally positive attitude in the child, taken from adult relationships /M. I. Lisina, 1986/.
Entering preschool age, the child realizes only the fact that it exists. Yet he really knows nothing about himself, about his qualities. Striving to be as an adult, a child three or four years does not take into account their actual capacities. He simply attributes to itself all positive, welcome older quality, often not even knowing what they are.
The development of genuine self-esteem starts with realistic assessments of their abilities, the results of its operations and specific knowledge. Less objectively in this period, children assess the quality of his personality. Preschoolers tend to overestimate themselves, that they are referred to mainly positive assessment of the adults around them.
In order to learn how to correctly evaluate yourself, the child must first learn to judge others on whom he can look from the outside. And it happens not at once. During this period, estimating contemporaries, the child simply repeats the opinions stated about them by adults. The same thing happens with the assessment itself. (“I’m good because mom says so”).
Considering self-esteem the most complex product of the conscious activity of the child, B. G. Ananiev noted that its original shape are a direct reflection of estimates of adults, and genuine self-esteem comes when she is filled with new content, due to “personal participation” in its production of the child. Developing the child’s ability to assess themselves psychologists are correlated with such phenomena as snovidenie and acceptance in the calculation /V. V. Stolin/; with the emergence of ethical instance contributing to the randomness of behavior /L. I. Bozhovich/; with the emergence of ideas about their the opportunities /H. Heckhausen/.
As intellectual development of the child is overcome explicit acceptance of estimates of adults, the process of mediation of their own knowledge.
Older preschoolers mostly are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, take into account the attitude towards them from others. It’s really important for the further development of the personality, conscious assimilation of standards of conduct and adherence to the positive samples.
By the end of preschool age the ratio of emotional and cognitive components, few harmonized. Conditions are favorable for the development of cognitive component of self-esteem, for the intellectualization of the child’s relationship to oneself, to overcome the direct impact on self-esteem from adults.
With age, the child masters more sophisticated ways of estimating, his knowledge about himself are expanding and deepening, integrate, become more aware, increasing their incentive-motivational role; emotional-value relation to itself also varies, becomes selective and acquires stability.

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