Sunday, January 31, 2016

Overcoming of egocentrism in children in the preschool age

Overcoming of egocentrism in children in the preschool age

The concept of egocentrism Jean piaget is introduced as a characteristic of children’s thinking at the stage of intuitive intelligence. Egocentric position is characterized by the fact that the child is a preschooler in the analysis of reality considers the situation from his point of view, which he recognizes as his own, and which acts for him as an absolute.
One of the lines of child development presented by piaget movement (transition) from egocentrism to decentration is the opposite of egocentrism positions that characterize the child’s relationship to reality at the stage of concrete operations. Decentration involves the coordination of different points of view on the object. The appearance of such a relation to reality determined by the maturation of intelligent structures.
In child psychology entrenched understanding egocentrism as a negative characteristics of the child’s relationship to reality, which is replaced with age by decentration (piaget). It is also possible under special training (cultural-historical theory) or in game (D. B. Elkonin).
Currently created program variable, the priority of which is intellectual development, where one of the advantages of learning called the overcoming of egocentrism in children in the preschool age.
In this paper, provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist, it is not about overcoming the egocentrism of the child, and the development (transformation) egocentric position in positionnot.
Here positionnot is defined as a person’s ability in the analysis of reality to build a variety of points of view on the object and hold them in a certain structure.
We attempted to investigate egocentric position from the point of view of its significance in the development of positionnote.
According to cultural-historical theory of L. S. Vygotsky distinguishes two lines of development – natural and cultural. We can assume that egocentrism is a natural characteristic of children’s thinking, and positionnot – cultural.
In the positional approach the person directly sees the world, and mediated. Means that vision stands a man occupied the position. Under the entry refers to a certain attitude of man to reality, a certain way of seeing the situation.
“The tool is a point and a reason of transformation of the original object (natural mental functions) to a new (higher mental function). It is the transformation, not the rejection of one form in favor of another” (I. B. Shiyan, Shiyan O. A.). The essence of the process of transformation is development. Egocentrism does not disappear, gradually decreasing to 11-12 years, as argued by piaget, and turns into a more advanced position that reflects positional relationship to reality, but does not deny the existence of a direct relationship. Replacement improved position for less than perfect does not occur.
The mechanism of development of positionnote can be described with the help of the structural-dialectical method (N. E. Verax), which allows to consider the process of education positions as a dialectical structure. By means of the development of positionnote can make a dialectical operation, learn more on International Adoption Ukraine share you views and experiences.
Dialectical behavior creates the possibility of structuring the object. They outline a space of possible positions, the “corners” of its consideration of the object, the alignment which occurs through the conversion of the original, own, position. For example, as a result of the dialectical transformation of the original position is transformed into its opposite; as a result of the dialectical mediation built a new position, which contains the opposite characteristics of self and other in relation to her position. Dialectical shifts the action alternatives provides an opportunity to build positions, reflecting different planes of vision of reality.
I. B. Shiyan, Shiyan O. A. indicate that using the structural-dialectical method, “the child masters the mechanisms (means) of searching for a new (by means of hypotheses on the principle: “it is not, but on the basis of structural relationships, it may be (possible)”, or: “there is, therefore, according to the laws of development patterns must be different”)”.
Positional approach to reality gives the child the opportunity in the situation analysis to see hidden relationships in the object, with the result that he gets more complete and accurate picture of the surrounding world, learn more on aspects of international adoption programs. The ability to distinguish different points of view on the object and build a new position consideration provides creative attitude to reality and productive interaction with other people, because getting in any situation, the child is not easy, mastering, obeys her, it, transforming it, transforms itself. Positionnote can be a means of opening new possibilities of mastering his behavior, and cognitive processes.

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