Monday, February 1, 2016

Adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the new environment

Adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the new environment

For people who chose uncertain behavior (uncertain personality), characteristic:
– orientation on conformal behaviour (i.e. strict framework of laws, rules of conduct, public morality are mandatory and can’t even be subject to revision),
–  the tendency to conceal their own opinion (which may not be formed due to the lack of the need to Express),
– adequate emotional reaction preference is uncertain and little expressive forms of verbal communication (that is, he can’t wait and more).

For people who chose assertive the behavior (structural identity) characteristic:
–         to respond without a hitch, to say loud enough and natural for yourself  tone
–         do not avoid looking at the source,
–         willing to discuss a given topic,
–         open to let people know about their feelings,
–         to Express their opinion,
–         be aware of when the conversation or any personal contact rules and laws, specific to the team, but to navigate and use at its sole discretion provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.

For people who have chosen aggressive the interpersonal communication style (dominant identity), characterized by:
–         answer before the interviewee had a chance to finish his thought,
–         to speak loudly in a challenging tone,
–         look down on anyone,
–         scornfully to respond about the subject of conversation (to condemn, to blame, to belittle),
–         to impose to all the opinion,
–         the heat vent their feelings,
–         to put himself above all others and cause the pain of others, not to hurt yourself.

Insecure personality in a different  life situations use strategies shumopodavleniya. For example, say “Yes” when to say “no”; avoid situations when you have to take the initiative on. But can respond structurally, if  in a situation there is no concrete partner.
Constructive personality leads themselves firmly, but correctly, can to Express discontent and joy, committed to people, using the strategy cooperation.
A dominant personality uses the strategy of aggression in those situations constructive when the person behaves, as described earlier.
Therefore, the assertion is it is thanks to him that man finds a way for the Meaning of Life. It the self-revelation of himself as a Man and setting his place in Life.
Self-assertion  and adaptation for teenage age is one, when this self-assertion can be regarded as an internal process, and adaptation to its external manifestation, or self-assertion is the main method adaptation.

Adaptation is the process active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the new environment, if consistent achievement of results: in society, in the community, family and  on see more on international adoption public discussion group.

Adaptation includes following subspecies:
–     biological (corporal),
–        psychological (internal world),
–        social (outward manifestation in family and staff).
Adaptation is a scheme, or style resolution various kinds of problems, such as:
–                     temporary (when temporarily in the team or situation),
–                     ongoing (communication with school friends or parents house),
–                     difficult (requiring long and patient permission),
–                     simple (allow by itself yourself),
–                     solvable (because as they say oldest: there are three way out of any        situation, one one knows who got you into this situation, other – you will find himself, and the third none do not know),
–                     not solvable (i.e., do you think this problem are not output);
–                     generally  not to be a problem, depending on the situation of the team, and the man himself, after all it determines for itself the production of this issue.

The subject may be noted or not notice the problem, depending on its relevance to the moment, and personal strategy self.
The most active of all types of adaptation manifested social adaptation, its main feature is the convergence of goals and values orientations  of the group, and part of it, assimilate norms, traditions, group culture, entering into a role-group structure. Adaptation  happens strictly in the framework of the society in which of the person and provides all the nuances of how humans and for a group, regardless of its the number, as it is the society and is the controlling and corrective complex to person. As virtually even going outside, we need to communicate with all those around us look for more info international adoption agencies.
Adaptation  also provides age especially, in this case  it’s teenage, namely the teenager is a new  person starting to take norms of social behavior as adult member of society. Therefore, it is the adoption of a set of norms, responsibilities and rights.
The share of the search strategies affirmation and adaptation of adolescent individually not too large, so as a big influence on him have peers and especially the home microclimate relationships in the family. The fact that the first and most deep education is laid in the child with the birth parents, not because wonder they say that if you do not have to raise your child with first minutes of his birth, you are already lost time. Remedial works on the formation of teenager’s personality in the family, as the most complex process must occur constantly. After all it is the starting point reference for teenager.
Summarizing above that said, it is possible to reiterate, what a complicated life of a teenager, not always understand the adult, needs daily support and adjustments need to offer more assistance to a teenager in the development of new norms and rules that would then long and tedious not to do fix their mistakes. Because it is an adult,consciously or not, creating a personality, strategy affirmation and adaptation of your teen.

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