Monday, February 1, 2016

In old traditional societies this family philosophy is still a norm

In old traditional societies this family philosophy is still a norm

In traditional societies the learning of social boundaries often could be fairly harsh, with the use of physical punishment. Parental authority has traditionally been supported primarily by his father, by force or by harsh treatment. Let’s not idealize this side of traditional education, we will mention only the fact of its existence. Thus, social experiments the adolescent in traditional society was strictly controlled by physical punishment. The same principle served as the state system of criminal sanctions: restriction of mobility, public punishment, the stigma was included in the repertoire of public execution of punishment in Russia until the mid-nineteenth century (the branding of criminals was abolished in 1863, shortly before judicial reform). In modern society, parental authority is usually supported in other ways. Besides the function of social learning is assumed by the state and state institutions. And the usual punishment is expulsion from the community, discontinuation of access to social goods and benefits, which leads mostly to the marginalization of the individual.
However, the new integration is often not possible outside of experiencing the loss of old meanings and values – and the teenager chooses the same initiatic experience. Currently psychological and social initiation associated with the experience of the boundaries of life and death, I suggest as such it is commonly subculture (military, extreme sports, escapist). However, for them it is more an invitation into the subculture, “Paradise for adventurers”, without a guaranteed and legitimate way. Partly initiatic can be called selective service in the armed forces, it saved social formalities initiatic experience: separation from family, borderline period and return in a new capacity (in the Soviet era has also contributed to certain social privileges at accepted into educational institution, etc.).

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