Monday, February 1, 2016

Changes in the external entails a change of consciousness of the person

Changes in the external entails a change of consciousness of the person

Regardless of when the child went to school, he passes through a special stage of development – crisis 7 (6) years.
Changed social status of the former baby – there is a new social role “disciple”. This can be considered the birth of the social “I” of the child.
The changes in the external position entails a change of consciousness of the person 1-grader, there is a revaluation of values. What was meaningful before, becomes secondary, and what is relevant to learning, becomes more valuable.
Such changes occur in the child’s mind with the favorable development events, successful adaptation to school. Will you be watching their own child is the issue of psychological readiness for school. About “internal position schoolboy” can speak only when the child really wants to learn, not only to go to school. Half of the children, entering the school, this position has not yet been formed. This is especially true the problem for 6-year-olds. They more often than 7-year-olds, impeded the formation “feeling the need to exercise”, they are less focused on common forms of behaviour in the school. When faced with such difficulties need help child to take “student”: more unostentatious to talk about why you need to learn why the school of such rules, what would happen if nobody is going to abide by them. You can play house with your first grader to school existing according to the rules, likes, or just without rules.
In any case, you must show respect and understanding of the child’s feelings, because his emotional life is characterized by vulnerability, insecurity see more on international adoption public discussion group.
In the period of 6-7 years there have been profound changes in the emotional sphere child. In preschool childhood, when faced with setbacks or having unflattering the reviews about your appearance, child, of course, felt hurt or disappointment, but it not so radically influenced the formation of his personality as a whole. In the same period crisis 7 (6) years intellectual development of the child, it developed the ability to generalize entail and summarizing experiences. So by the way, the chain of failures (in studies in communication) can lead to the formation of sustainable inferiority complex provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist. This “acquisition” to 6-7 years adversely affects the development of self-esteem of the child, level his claims.
This feature of the psyche of children included in school teaching – first year study is unbiased, that is, when assessing pupils ‘ work are not used mark, more emphasis on qualitative analysis of their activities. Parents should also consider the generalization of experiences when communicating with her son or daughter: to notice all the smallest achievement of the child to evaluate the child and his actions, talking about it, to note that all this is temporary, to support the activity of the child in overcoming various difficulties.
Another consequence of the generalization of experiences is the occurrence of inner life child. Gradually, it entails developing the ability to estimate future act in advance from the point of view of its results and consequences. Because of this the mechanism is overcome childlike.
Unpleasant for parents crisis a manifestation of the separation of external and internal children are often the affectation, mannerisms, unnatural behavior, tend to be fussy and conflicts.
All these external features begin to disappear, when a first grader comes out the crisis and enters directly into primary school age.
Thus, parents and teachers should be patient. The less negative emotions they will manifest in response to the crisis of existence of the child at the age of 6-7 years, the more likely that these problems will remain in this age period.
Speaking of socio-psychological adaptation of children to school, not to address the issue of adaptation to the child’s team.
Usually difficulties in this process arise from children not attending kindergarten, especially in the only in the family of children. If these guys were not sufficient experience interaction with their peers, they expect from classmates and teachers do the same, to which they are accustomed at home. So for them often the stress change in the situation, when they realize that the teacher the same applies to all guys without making leniency to him and not singling his and classmates are not in a hurry to take these children in as leaders, are not going to give them.
Don’t be surprised if after some time the parents of the children, not had a variety of experiences with peers, face their reluctance to go to school, and complaining that they hurt, no one is listening, the teacher does not like, etc. Need to learn adequately to respond to such complaints. First of all, show your child that You understand, sympathize with him, one is not accusing. When he calm down, try together to analyze the causes and consequences the current situation, discuss how to behave in future in such case. Then to begin the discussion of how to fix the situation now, what are the steps to take to make friends and win the sympathy of classmates look for more info international adoption agencies. We need to support the child in his attempts to cope these challenges continue to go to school, to show sincere faith in his ability.
We hope that the information about the peculiarities of adaptation to school training in children was interesting and useful for You and You can given this information, to alleviate the addiction of their child to the school, to help him in difficult times.

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