The first year of child schooling is trial period for parents
The first year of schooling is not only one of the most difficult
stages in life child, but also a kind of trial period for parents.
First, it is during this period requires their maximum participation in
the child’s life. Secondly, when early learning clearly show all their
flaws. Thirdly, if there good intentions, but the lack of a
psychologically literate approach, the parents themselves often become
perpetrators of school stress in children.
At the same time in the 1st class, the Foundation for the
relationship of the child to school and training. For children the most
successfully passed this stage their lives, their parents need to know
and take into account daily features mental and physiological state of
children, arising from the beginning learning in the school.
School from the first days puts before the child a number of tasks
requiring the mobilization of his intellectual and physical strength.
Children are very difficulties many aspects of the educational process.
They find it difficult to sit through a lesson in the same posture, it
is difficult not to be distracted and to follow the thought of the
teacher, it is difficult to do time is not what you want, and what they
require, it is difficult to hold back and not Express aloud their
thoughts and emotions that appear in abundance. Besides, guys don’t
immediately learn new rules of behavior with adults, did not immediately
accept the position teachers and establish distance in relationship
with him and others adults in the school provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.
So you need time to adapt to schooling, the child accustomed to new conditions and learned how to meet the new requirements.
Adaptation to school is a multifaceted process. Its components are physiological adaptation and socio-psychological adaptation (to teachers and their demands, to classmates).
Physiological adaptation.
Getting used to new conditions and requirements, the child’s body goes through several stages:
1) First 2-3 weeks of training called “physiological storm”. During
this period, all new impact the child’s body responds to significant
voltage of almost all of their systems, that is, children spend a large
portion of resources of the organism. This explains the fact that in
September many first graders are sick.
2) the Next stage of adaptation – volatile device. The child’s body
finds reasonable, near-optimal versions of the reactions to the new
3) After that, a period of relatively stable fixture. The body responds to the load with less stress.
The total length of the adaptation period varies from 2 to 6 months
in depending on the individual characteristics of the student.
Many parents and teachers tend to underestimate the complexity of the
period physiological adaptation of first-graders. However, according to
the observations of physicians, some children lose weight by the end of
the 1st quarter, many decline blood pressure (a sign of fatigue), and
some a significant increase (sign of fatigue). Not surprisingly, many
first graders complain of headaches, tiredness, and other ailments in
1st quarter. Manifestations of difficulties of addiction and the surge
of the body can also cause moodiness children at home, reducing ability
to self-regulation of behavior.
Will not be superfluous to remember about all of this before, blame
the kid in laziness and shirking from his new responsibilities, but also
to remember, what difficulties with health he has.
Risk factors in the child’s development can be extremely varied: this
and diseases of the mother during pregnancy, and features of course of
childbirth, and diseases carried by the child during early childhood
(especially in the first year of life), and of course, chronic diseases.
I want to draw the attention of parents to the fact that not only
chronic diseases affecting the successful adaptation of children at
school, but frequent colds, which many parents do not attach much
importance. Consider even common cold. From various ailments and he
seems to be the most harmless. However, we note that the shortness of
nasal breathing provides a sufficient amount of oxygen in the lungs and
in the brain, which leads to fatigue, poor health and, in the end, to
the educational backlog.
Children who have persistent difficulties with health, in the school
often faster become fatigued, their efficiency reduced teaching load may
be too heavy.
These children need a special approach and attention of adults, learn more on international adoption at adoption agencies
blog. First, you need if possible, reduce them to psychological stress.
For this second half of the day they had better stay at home and not
cram school, and it is desirable provide them with 2-hour NAPs.
Secondly, we must not forget that physically weakened children need
daily walks in the fresh air and a long night sleep (about 11 hours).
And of course, you need to remember the need of psychological support.
The child must be sure that his house is still loved and respected,
despite all school difficulties.
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