The Man himself is the architect of his own happiness
There is an opinion that people can build their happiness. This is often mentioned to us the proverb: “the Man himself is the architect of his own happiness”, “Happiness under the callus lies”, “Happiness is not in your wallet, happiness is in your hands”.
However, a more widespread view of happiness as luck, random luck, and it suggests that happiness does not depends on the person. Refer to the thought of Aristotle.
“The crowd thinks that the happy life is life lucky or not without success; and she is probably right, because without external goods, which are sent by random luck, you can’t be happy. No one can say that randomness is the nature. There, where nature is the cause of something, every time she produces mostly the same, the coincidence is not so, but randomly, haphazardly, and why it is spoken about the case in relation to these things. Not say that randomness is something like a mind or correct reasoning, because in them is no less orderliness, and immutability, but not the case visit international adoption community. Maybe random luck is some concern the gods? Or, perhaps, you must not think that? God, we recognize that mastery over such things and distributes good and evil according to merit; however, an accident resulting from chance encounter truly a coincidence. If we suppose that God distributes randomly, then acknowledge his wrong or unjust judge. And this God is not customary.” (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 359). Reflecting on this, Aristotle drew attention to the fact that neither fair nor brave, virtuous or anyone else not called lucky, since justice and courage, like any virtue, depend on the efforts of the man himself. Thus, the word “successful” has many meanings see more at International Adoption channel news: we are called fortunate who, contrary to his calculations had a chance to do something good, and who instead of the expected loss a profit.
“So, the luck is that we get good, how did not expect, and not being evil, what was waiting. Thus to obtain the good characteristic of random luck to get something good is a Fluke in its purest form; not to be subjected to the same evil – happy previtamin. Random luck, thus is the nature of acting thoughtless.” (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 359).
From this good luck must be distinguished another, more closely connected with happiness, “at which the man laid by the original impulse to the benefits”. (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 359).
Coincidences in our life, there are many, and they are different. There are numerous circumstances proving favourable. They make our life more happy and joyful, and to use them “perfect and upright”. (Aristotle. Vol. in 4 vols. Vol. 4. – M., 1984. – P. 71). Such eventualities are identified with many luck, happiness as such. But in life often happen, on the contrary, adverse events that constrain and overshadow our lives, bringing suffering or sorrow. Therefore, you can make quite a bold conclusion: randomness in pure form, are pleasing or overshadow us, have on the lifetime of the average person is quite little impact.
That “smile of destiny” or luck, by themselves, do not constitute happiness, is confirmed by the psychological fact that not everyone who was “lucky” (a remarkable impersonal form of the verb used here), going through what happened as happiness. Meanwhile the experience, the feeling of happiness is essential last. Happiness is such, if it is perceived with all the soul of man as something bright and comprehensive. That is, it fills all of the space, making the experience a higher octave of joy, leaving the person not only filled pleasure, but also inducing them to radiate around the vibration of joy and goodness. Subject of happiness research and articles content provided for the post by International Adoption research blogger and columnist.
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