Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Person to recreate his Cosmos

In "the Myth of the eternal return" by Mircea Eliade points to the power of archaic and pre-Christian (even "out-Christian" regardless of time) the whole person to recreate his Cosmos (ordered world) from Chaos (nothingness or full of memories and confusion). Archaic and pagan mythology is always cyclical in nature: linear time became important only in Christianity where there are unique acts, such as the birth, the sacrifice and ascension of Jesus Christ. So for the archaic, the pagan man, it becomes possible to "fix the world", which had been created at a critical the end of one yearly cycle and the beginning of the new. The collective unconscious, and in our time, still trying to repeat this ritual: it is not in the "adult" rites of the New year, however it remained in children's parties. New year's performance in most cases tells us about the "evil forces" that tend to celebrate the New year (stole the maiden, lulled Santa Claus, stole a bag of gifts, etc.) and on their curb, essentially saving the world . Dances around the Christmas tree, accompanied by a "great figure" — Santa Claus, reminds us of the symbolism of the World Tree and our the existence in the middle world of the mortals.

Myth and ritual is always the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos, because myth is closely connected with ritual in primitive cultures. To restore order was possible only through the adoption of the myth at that time and in that place, when the reality is again destroyed by the breakthrough of chaos (for example, in critical disaster situations or at points of rupture times at the end of one and beginning of another cycle). So far, the ritual is able to assert a myth: it happens with state, social and military rituals, claiming the idea of certain social rules and relationships as a given: the inauguration of the President, military parade, the commemoration of the fallen soldiers, "the first ruler" in school, etc.

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