Wednesday, December 2, 2015

To what extent the inherited family traits consistent with the ephemeral needs of the present moment

Our souls, like bodies, are composed of the same elements that the body and soul
of our ancestors. Quality "novelty" of the individual soul is the result of
endless shuffling of components. And body and soul is historically conditioned
immanent: originating again, they do not become the only possible
the combination is only a fleeting resting place of some of the original features. We haven't
had time to assimilate the experience of the middle ages, the antiquity and primitive antiquity, and we
already entails the inexorable flow of progress, is rapidly rushing forward,
future, and we followed him more and more  detached from their
natural roots. We detach from the past, and it dies in us, and
hold it impossible. But it is precisely the loss of this continuity, the support leg,
this newarenanow of our culture is its so-called "disease": we
the confusion and haste, but more and more are the future, with its chimerical
promises of a Golden age, forgetting about the present, completely rejecting
own historical basis. In the mindless pursuit of novelty we do not
haunted by a growing sense of insufficiency, dissatisfaction, and
uncertainty. We have forgotten how to live what you have, but live by the expectations of the new
sensations do not live in the light of the present day, but in the twilight of the future, where
the end - in our opinion - the sun will rise. Why do we need to know that
the best is the enemy of the good is too expensive and that our hopes for large
freedom turned out to be only a greater dependence on the state, not to mention
the terrible threat that brought outstanding scientific discoveries.
The less we understand the meaning of the existence of our fathers and grandfathers, the less
we understand ourselves. Thus the individual loses forever
last  ancestral roots and instincts, becoming only the particle in total
weight and following only what Nietzsche called the "Geist der Schwere", spirit
 The fast growth of the quality associated with technological progress, so
called "gadgets" (devices. - eng.) naturally produces
impression, but only the beginning, later, as time passes, they already look
doubtful, in any case purchased too dearly. They are not
give happiness or prosperity, but for the most part create illusory
relief; as all kinds of time-saving activities they are proving to
limit speeds up the pace of life, leaving us less and less time.
"Omnis fastinatio ex parte - diaboli est" - "All haste is of the devil",
as the ancients said.
 Changes the reverse property, by contrast, usually cheaper
cost and live longer, because they return us to a simple, proven
way, reducing our demand in Newspapers, radio, television and others,
supposedly saving our time, innovations.

 In this book I present a very subjective thing, this is my understanding of the world,
which in any case should not be seen as a construct of the mind.
It is rather the vision that comes to man when he tries to leave,
move away from external voices and images. We hear much better and much
better see if we are not clamped in the vise of the present, if we do not
limit or pursue the need of the hour and the minute, obscuring
in fact the minute and the images and voices of the unconscious. So we stand
in the dark, even assuming, as is present in our life world
our ancestors with the fundamental benefits, without thinking, whether we are separated from
it is an insurmountable wall. Our peace of mind and well being first and foremost
due to the fact to what extent the inherited family traits
consistent with the ephemeral needs of the present moment.
 In my Tower in Bollingen I feel like I live at the same time
in many centuries. The tower will outlive me, even though everything about her indicates
the days are long past. There is very little said about today.
 If a man of the sixteenth century was in my house, only a match and
a kerosene lamp would be a novelty for him, the rest of it
would be focused easily. In the Tower there is nothing that would not like
the souls of the ancestors - no phone, no electricity. Here I am trying to find the answers
to the questions that occupied them and they were not able to resolve; I
try - bad or good - just as they can. I even painted them on
the walls, and it's like all around me was a big silent
family living here for centuries. Here dwells my "number 2" and
there is life in all its grandeur; she passes and is again.

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