Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My internal the contradictions evident here as drama

As any person is capable of some introspection, I figured
the dichotomy of my self - my personal business and it was only
me. Faust told me about it, saying Holy words: "But two souls
live in me, and both are at odds with each other", although explained nothing.
I thought it said about me. When I first read Faust I
could not know,  how prophetic for Germany will be strange
heroic the myth of Goethe. I know one thing: it concerns me personally. Realizing
what arrogance and unpardonable levity Faust was the reason
the murder of Philemon and Beskidy, I felt the guilt as if he himself
in the past, took part in their murder. This strange idea scared me,
it was necessary to atone for this sin, or at least, not to allow him
 My false reasoning was a surprising development. In his youth, not
remember from whom I heard the story struck me as if my grandpa Jung was
native son Goethe. This stupid story however made me
the impression, as I thought, it explained my reaction to Faust. No, I
did not believe in the so-called reincarnation, but I was close to what the Hindus
call karma. Then I could not imagine that the unconscious
there is, and naturally found no psychological explanation
their reactions. I just didn't know anything about (and for most people it
to this day remains unknown) that the unconscious prepares
future events long before they are done,  people with the gift
clairvoyance can be foreseen. For example, when Jacob Burckhardt learned of
the coronation of the Kaiser in Versailles, he exclaimed, "Is the collapse of Germany." Archetypes
Wagner had stood at the gates, and with them came the Dionysian experience of Nietzsche,
what is happening, apparently, still exuberant from Wotan. Pride Wilhelm struck
Europe and became the cause of the disaster of 1914.
 In his youth (in the 1890s), I unconsciously followed the spirit of the time, not
being able to resist him. "Faust" has awakened in me something in some
sense helped me to understand myself. He raised problems that are more
all I cared about: the confrontation between good and evil, spirit and matter, light and
darkness. Faust, himself a shallow philosopher, encounters the dark side
his being, his sinister shadow, Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles, denying
the nature, embodies the true spirit of life as opposed to dry
Faust's scholasticism, putting it on the brink of suicide. My internal
the contradictions evident here as drama. It is Goethe in a strange way
determined the main line and resolve my internal conflicts. The dichotomy
Faust - Mephistopheles embodied for me in one single person, and
that person was me. It was about me, I learned myself. It was my
the fate of all the vicissitudes and drama of my own; I took part in them with
all the ardor. Any decision in this case had a value for me.
Later I deliberately in many of his works focused on
the problems from which evaded Goethe's "Faust", is respect for the eternal
human rights, respect for age and antiquity, the continuity of the spiritual
of history and culture. [This setting Jung has found expression in the inscription,
he did at the entrance to the Tower: "Philemonis Sacrum - Fausti Poenitentia"
(Filimonova Shrine - Faustovo remorse). When the graphic was embedded in
wall, Jung placed the same words over the entrance to the second Tower. - ed.]

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