Monday, December 14, 2015

Bal – confirmed: initiation time

Cinderella wants to go to the ball like it's her only chance in life. Perhaps it is true that there are sensitive periods in a person's life, in early childhood associated with the maturation of the mental structure of man, in later – his social formation. Adolescence is a time for separation from the world of the family and parents, the occurrence of a certain autonomy inherent in a collective culture, which includes the individual, as well as the entry into new alliances. E. Erikson this stage is called "Intimacy versus isolation" and it's related to finding a suitable partner. It this task is performed by Cinderella, trying on the ball: if it's not her only, best chance to find such. It needed to demonstrate their biological and social attractiveness to attract a mate. Judging by the fact that partner has shown enough response efforts for rapprochement and legitimized the relationship, her choice and strategy has been very successful.

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