Wednesday, December 2, 2015

However, I managed to find an approximation

 Its purpose I've seen to explain how my psychology
correlated with alchemy. Conversely, I was looking for in the writings of the alchemists not only
religious problems, but specific problems of psychotherapy. Question
issues, the main problem of medical psychotherapy - Ubertragung
(transfer, transfer. - .). Here we have Freud had no
differences. However, I managed to find an approximation to this expression in
alchemy, namely the coniunctio - the reunion the value mentioned
Silberer. I noticed this line in the book "Psychology and
alchemy". Later, two years later, I returned to this problem in "Psychology
the transference" (1946), and finally, in 1955 - 1956 in "Mysterium
 Almost always, when something has held me as a person or scientist,
this was preceded by dreams is also a kind of transfer. This time my
think about Christ found expression in an unexpected and remarkable way.
 I again saw in a dream my house with outbuilding in which I never was.
Deciding finally, I went inside. In front of me was kind of big
the door. Opening it, I saw a room that resembled a laboratory. At the window stood
table, a variety of vessels and other things that can be found
somewhere in the Zoological laboratory. This was a study of my father,
but he was absent. On shelves along the walls were hundreds of fish tanks with
all sorts of species of fish. I was surprised: so, now my father
engaged in aquatic science!

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