Monday, December 21, 2015


Experiencing happiness depend on eras and cultural characteristics of a people, traditions and customs, as well as from several other factors. In the experience of happiness adequately manifest the specific features of morality. First of all, happiness is always present assessment act, situation assessment through the prism of high moral values, not from the standpoint of petty selfishness.
The ancient thinkers raised the question of the correlation between happiness and virtuous behaviour. However, equally important and beliefs of the person, his interests and Hobbies. The formation of the relationship of the individual to different events in the life very important for both mental attitude and experiences of the fullness of being. (L. A. Popov Ethics. A course of lectures. - M., 1998. - P. 80). So no wonder they say that when we cannot change circumstances, change your attitude towards them. In this regard, it is pertinent to mention the following saying of Seneca: "Unhappy the one who is happy does not consider himself". (Seneca. About happy life // Roman Stoics: Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius. - M., 1995. - P. 157).
In fact, whether the person caught the "bird of happiness", depends not only on external, even if favourable circumstances but also largely from him, from his activity, aimed at a high, but not transient, low-lying. Plus you have to remember that "happiness is free bird: where wanted there and the village". Therefore, you cannot force a man to be happy. Nevertheless, the hope of attaining happiness, faith in the feasibility of happiness were, spiritualized person at all times, making the human life meaningful and informative.

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