Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The analyst must understand his own psyche

f you watch soul disorder, we will see only
the tragedy of the destruction of the individual, we rarely consider the life of the
of the soul, away from us. Appearances are often deceptive, in
I'm not without surprise have seen in the case of a young patient
suffering from catatonia. It was an eighteen-year-old girl from an educated
family. In 15 years, seduced her brother, then raped a classmate. With 16 years
it is completely closed. The girl turned away from humans, the only living
the creature to which it was attached was neighbor's guard dog. It
behaved  more and more strange, and at 17 was placed in a psychiatric
the clinic, where he spent a year and a half. Her worried voice, she refused
food, no one talked and eventually fell into a typical
catatonic state. This is the first time I saw her.
 Only a few weeks later I was able to talk. Not without
internal resistance, she admitted that she lived on the moon. The moon, in her
imagination was inhabited, but at first she met there.
They took her with them, moving in a kind of "podlinnuyu" resident, where
their wives and  children. The cause of the "sublunary" their existence was a vampire
settled high in the mountains. He kidnapped women and children and killed them.
 My patient decided to help the inhabitants of the moon and figured out how she
to destroy the vampire. After long preparations, she began to watch him on
the tower, built specifically for this purpose. One night over
it was a huge black bird. The girl grabbed a long sacrificial
the knife, hid it in the folds of her dress and waited. And here the vampire appeared
in front of her. He had several pairs of wings covering the face and figure,
what in addition to the feathers she saw nothing. Amazed - she unbearably wanted
to see him, she moved to him, gripping the knife handle. At this point
the wings flew open and before her stood a young man of unearthly beauty. Your
winged hands he pressed her so that the knife fell from her fingers, the look of a vampire
literally enchanted the girl, and she could not strike. It is easily raised
her above the ground and soared upwards.
 After this "confession" the patient is again able to communicate freely. But a little
then again there were difficulties. To return to the moon she seems to be prevented,
but this world seemed to her ugly and nepriyatnym. But on the moon all
well, and that life is full of meaning. Somewhat later, the patient happened
a relapse of catatonia, for a time she even went into a rampage.
 Several months later, she was discharged. With her it was possible
to talk, and she gradually got used to the idea of the inevitability of the earth
existence. But desperate to overcome internal resistance it is not
I could, and again had to be placed in the clinic. One day I went to her
the house and said, "can I Help you is impossible, I'm afraid, on the moon you don't already
come back!" She took it silently and blankly. Soon she was discharged and,
seemingly reconciled to his fate, found a job as a nanny in
some motels. Local assistant rather carelessly tried
to get close to her, and she almost shot him with a revolver. Fortunately,
the wound was light. It was found that the revolver she had always
. Just before the excerpt she told me about it and to my surprise
question answered: "I would shot you if you failed me!"
 When settled the problem with her shot, the patient
back in  your city. She got married, had several children, survived
the two world wars. Her illness never returned.
 How and what caused her imagination? Because of the incest she felt
humiliated and only in a fantasy world gained a sense of self
dignity. She was experiencing a kind of myth, and incest in mythology
traditionally considered the prerogative of kings and gods. The result was psychosis and
a perfect alienation from the world. The girl created a kind of extramunde
(a separate world. - lat.) and have lost all touch with people, staying somewhere in
cosmos, where they met a winged demon. During the period when I
treated, this way, as usually happens in such cases, it
identified with me. At me was automatically a threat
death, as indeed on any other, who can convince her
to return to normal human life. Revealing to me the secret of the demon, she
as if I betrayed him, and thus established communication with the earth. Because
she was able to come back to life and even to marry. Since then, I began to look
on mentally ill people differently. Now I understand how rich their
internal life.

 I am often asked about my psychotherapeutic or
psychoanalytic method. It is difficult to generalise, each case
dictates its therapy. When I hear of some doctor that he "strictly
adheres to" either method, I'm having doubts about the success of
its treatment. In literature then so much has been said about the internal
the resistance of the patient, what you would think if the doctor tries to force him
to impose something, then the treatment and  the recovery must occur
naturally, by itself. Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis involve
individual approach to each. Each patient I treated only
possible, because a solution always
individually. The General rule can be accepted only cum grano salis (with
the famous reservation. - lat.). Truth in psychology only has value,
when it is possible to find application. So unacceptable for me
may work for someone else.
 Of course, the doctor has to possess so-called "methods", but it should
be extremely careful not to go on as usual
way. Do you need some cautious theoretical
speculation - today they seem to be satisfactory, and tomorrow they will be replaced
other. To my psychoanalysis such things are nothing to mean, I deliberately
avoiding pedantry in these matters. For  first of all there is me
the individual and personal approach. And for each patient I try to find
a special language. Therefore, some say that I follow Adler, others - that Freud.
 It's only that I address the patient as a person to
another person. Psychoanalysis is a dialogue, and it requires partnership.
Analyst and patient sit facing each other, eye to eye. And the doctor has
what to say, and the patient - to the same extent.
 Because the essence of psychotherapy is not to use any particular
"method", some special psychiatric  knowledge here is obviously
not enough. I worked for a long time before I could gain the necessary
Luggage. Already in 1909 it was clear to me that to treat latent psychoses I don't
I can, if not understand their symbolism. So I began to study mythology.
 In working with intellectually developed and educated patients
psychiatrist than professional knowledge. In addition to all kinds of
theoretical positions he needs to figure out what actually
guided patient, otherwise to overcome its internal resistance
impossible. In the end, the issue is not confirmed whether or not
theory, and that is a patient, what is his inner world.
The latter is not understandable without knowledge of a familiar environment with
all its precepts and prejudices. Only one medical training
not enough because the space of human consciousness
infinitely and it holds much more than a psychiatrist's office.
 The human soul is certainly more complex and less accessible to
research than the human body. She, say, starts
to exist in that moment when we beginning to realize it. So here
faced with the problem of not only individual but also universal
order, and the psychiatrist has to deal with the diversity of the world.
 Today, as never before, it becomes apparent that danger, all
threatening us comes not from nature, but from man, it is rooted in
psychology of personality and psychology of the masses. Mental disorder
is a formidable danger. From correctly or not
operates our consciousness, all depends. If certain people today
lose your head tomorrow will be blown up by a hydrogen bomb!
 But the therapist must understand not only his patient, in the same
degree he needs to understand himself. Therefore, is a conditio sine qua non
(a necessary condition. - lat.) - equally important is the training itself
analysis, or so-called training psychoanalysis, what you can
be called "Doctor, healed itself". Only if the doctor is able
to cope with their own problems, he can teach it to the patient. And
the only way! During the training analysis, the analyst must understand his
own psyche and to do it with the utmost seriousness. If he with this
fail, the patient it will not work. Unable to explain to myself some
part of his mind, the therapist exactly the same loses a part of consciousness
patient.  Therefore, training in psychoanalysis is not enough
be guided by a certain system of concepts. The analyst must understand
first of all that the analysis has the most direct relation to it
yourself that this analysis is part of real life, and no method, and his
it is impossible (literally!) to learn by heart. Doctor, therapist, not
realized that in the process of their own training analysis, are waiting in the future
 Despite the fact that there are so-called "small psychotherapy", in fact
psychoanalysis requires the whole man, without any restrictions
whether the doctor or the patient. There are times when the doctor is unable to help
the patient until you feel complicit in his drama, while won't get rid of
the weight of his own authoritarianism. In case of serious crises, in extreme
situations when the question "to be or not to be" not all there help
hypnotic tricks, here tested internal spiritual
resources doctor.

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