Tuesday, December 1, 2015

After our separation, all the friends and acquaintances turned away from me

In the days preceding the dream, I've been thinking about things, painfully trying
to understand what are the prerequisites Freudian psychology and how it
correlates with other categories of thinking. As the theory of Freud, with its
extreme personalism, looks in the light of universal concepts? The answer
contained in the dream. The main provisions of the cultural history presented in
it as levels of consciousness: from the bottom up. My dream  thus,
represented the structural chart of human consciousness, built
to return to Freud impersonal grounds. This idea has become in some sense
"it's clicked" (the most appropriate. - eng.), as the English say. The images
sleep did not leave me in the future. I didn't understand how, but they became established in
my mind. Here for the first time clearly highlighted the idea of "collective
unconscious" (what I took to be the remains of a primitive culture),
component of the a priori basis of the individual psyche. Much later, having already
considerable experience and a deeper knowledge, I saw here an instinctive form
 I never agreed with Freud that the dream is a
covering the meaning of "facade" - when the meaning is there, but it as if on purpose
hidden from consciousness. It seems to me that the nature of sleep is not fraught with intentional
cheating, in it something is expressed and the most convenient possible manner
- as plant grows or an animal seeks food. In this there is no desire
to deceive us, but we ourselves can be deceived if we are blind. You can listen to and
not to hear, if you plug your ears, but this does not mean that our ears intentionally
deceive us. Long before I learned of Freud, the unconscious and dreams,
directly Express it seemed to me to be natural processes,
which there is nothing especially arbitrary and intentionally misleading
misconception. There is no reason to assume that there is some unconscious
natural cunning, by analogy with conscious deceit. On the contrary,
everyday experience shows how the unconscious opposes this
conscious inclinations.
 The dream house had an unusual impact: once again, I got carried away
archaeology. On his return to Zurich I read a few books on mythology and
Babylonian excavations. Then I got my hands on the book Friedrich Creuzer
"Myths and symbols of antiquity", she played the role of sparks caught in the dry straw!
I with feverish interest  shoveled mountains of mythological and scientific
material and eventually completely lost. My helplessness was
akin to that which I experienced at the clinic when sought
to penetrate the meaning of mental disorder. I felt like
was in an imaginary madhouse, trying to "cure" all centaurs,
nymphs, gods and goddesses from the book of Kreutzer. However, I could not catch
the links between ancient mythology and the psychology of primitive peoples, which
and later became engaged. The work of Freud in the same area several me
puzzled,  since I already knew to what extent his theory suppresses
actually the facts.
 Then I stumbled upon the work, describing the fantasies of a young
American girl, a miss Miller. The material was published in "the Archives
psychology" (Geneva) my dear friend Theodore of Flournoy. I was struck by
the mythological nature of these fantasies, which have become a kind of
the catalyst for my erratic reasoning. Then I gradually started
be the book "Metamorphoses and symbols of libido". While they were working on it,
I had a dream predicting the future with gap  Freud. The events in it
occurred in a mountainous area on the border of Austria and Switzerland. At dusk I
saw an elderly man in an Austrian Imperial customs. He
slightly hunched, silently passed me, not even glancing in my direction. In it
there was something dismal, he seemed upset and annoyed. There were
other people, and someone told me that this man is just a Ghost customs
the official, he died many years ago. - "He's one of those who can't
to die."
 So looked the first part of the dream.
 I began to analyze it, but the word "custom"  Association with
"censorship". "Frontier" could mean, on the one hand, the border between
the conscious and the unconscious - Freud with our differences.
A customs inspection is unusually rigorous, it was possible to compare with
the psychoanalysis - on the border of the open suitcases, checking their contents.
The analysis also reveals the contents of the unconscious. As for
old customs officer, his job gave him, it seems, more bitterness,
than meet - hence the irritated expression on his face. It was hard
not here to draw an analogy with Freud.
 In the time (in 1911) Freud was no longer indisputable for me
authority, but remained a person on whom I gazed from below
up, projecting on him the image of the father, then it was so. Similar
the projection excludes objectivity, duality in the estimates in this
case inevitable. On the one hand, we feel their independence from the other
internal resistance. When I had this dream, I'm still deeply
respected Freud, though it has started to evaluate it critically. Probably, I just haven
could not realize the situation and tried some to find
solution - this is typical for situations of projection. Sleep put me
to have to make a choice.
 Being under the influence of the personality of Freud, I how did
tried not to impose his own evaluations and repress criticism.
It was a necessary condition of our cooperation. I told myself: "Freud
far more acute than and more experienced. You still should listen and learn". And
imagine, I dream, Freud - Austrian exasperated official,
the Ghost of the deceased customs officer. Do I really want it
death  as Freud thought? Nothing of the sort! I tried to use
any opportunity to work with him, and to openly
selfish - to use his wealth of experience. Our friendship meant to me
very much, and reasons to want him dead, of course, was not. But a dream
could be some kind of correction, compensation of my conscious evaluation
my admiration is involuntary, and in the future, apparently, unwanted.
 Dream, as it were, a critical the installation of my subconscious. It
troubled me, although the last sentence of the dream seemed to hint on
potential immortality of Freud.
 For the episode with the customs official followed quite remarkable
the continuation of a dream. I was in some Italian city, the time was
dining - somewhere between twelve and the hour of the day. Hot midday sun
light flooded the narrow streets. The city, towering on the hill, reminded me
one of the suburbs of Basel - Kolenberg. The lanes here are terraced down towards the
valley, one of them went to Berputar-Platz. It was Basel, and
Italian town at the same time, something like Bergamo. The summer sun stood in
Zenith. Meet me  moved the crowd. It was clear that in these hours
shops are closed and people go to lunch. And suddenly, in the human stream
it seemed the knight in full regalia, which was raised to me by
the stairs. He had on a helmet and coat of mail, and over the white tunic with embroidered
on both sides with large red crosses.
 You can imagine what I felt when I saw in the modern city in
noon, rush hour, walking me towards the Crusader. And the most amazing thing
no one around seemed to notice him. No one turned around, looked him
after, it seemed, only I see it. I think about what that meant, and suddenly
someone told me (though there was nobody around): "that's our Ghost!
The knight always passes by here between twelve and one, everybody knows him".
 This dream puzzled me, but then I couldn't understand it. I was surprised
and confused, feeling helpless.
 The knight and the customs officer in my dream were the antipodes: Ghost customs officer,
someone like this "who could not die", a silent vision, and full of life,
absolutely real knight. The second part of the dream wore to the highest degree
nominatie in nature, whereas the episode on the border looked down to earth and
expressionless. A much bigger impression on me made my
own thinking about it.
 Enigmatic image of a knight in a few days I stood before
eyes. To explain to myself the value I could not. All became clear much later,
but in the dream I realized that this knight from XII century - from the era of the inception
alchemy and the search for the Cup of the Holy Grail. The legend of the Grail meant a lot
for me. I first heard about it when I was 15 years old. From unforgettable
feelings which I then experienced, I still can't get enough. I
I think she hides something that cannot be explained. Meeting in a dream with
a knight from a world I thought quite natural, because it was my
own inner world, hardly had anything in common with the world of Freud. All
my being longed for something hitherto unknown - that could
to give some sense of the everyday ordinary.
 I was irritated that all the efforts of the mind to penetrate deep into the consciousness
encountered by only a trivial, self-evident truths. I
grew up in the village, among the peasants, and if you couldn't see in the stable,
learned it from Rabelais and frivolous fantasy of peasant folklore. Incest and
sexual perversions were not a mystery to me and any special
interpretation is not required. Along with the crimes they were dark bottom
of human existence, exposing all its ugliness and senselessness, poisoning
the taste of life. The fact that cabbage grows well on manure, for me it was always
it is self-evident. But despite all my efforts, I could not understand, what here
supernatural. "All because these people grew up in the city and nothing
know about nature", I thought with fatigue and disgust.
  Naturally, among the neurotics are more common people who are far from
nature, and therefore less adapted to life. They are largely naive as
children, they even have to explain that they are no different from all
the rest of us. Get rid of the nervousness and regain mental health
it is possible, only having pulled through the mud of everyday life. They prefer
immerse yourself in the feelings previously suppressed. Anyway can
they get out of this, the psychoanalyst takes away their opportunity to learn
something different, better, if the theory itself does not offer  anything in return
immaturity but banal "common sense"? They lost solid
the soil under your feet cannot. People just can't refuse
from the usual lifestyle, he can only change it. And a single
"common sense" is also usually impossible, especially if the person is not
has from childhood, which is usually the case for neurotics.
 Now I began to understand why the psychology of Freud himself caused
me this interest. I wanted to figure out what his own
background, as he comes to the notorious "a reasonable solution". For
me it was sort of a matter of life and death, and I was ready
to sacrifice a lot in order to find the answer. And now I almost understand, in
what is it: Freud is that he suffered from neurosis that set was
is a snap, and the symptoms of his illness were extremely unpleasant, and
manifested during our journey to America. Of course, he tried to convince me,
the whole world in some degree sick and that we need to be more tolerant.
But this explanation I wasn't satisfied, I wanted to know how to avoid
of neuroses. Neither Freud nor his the disciples did not understand, unfortunately, what it means for
the theory and practice of psychoanalysis the fact that the teacher was unable to cope
with his own neurosis. And when Freud announced the intention to combine theory
and the method, creating from them a sort of dogma, I could no longer cooperate
with him. For me there was no other choice but to leave the game.
 Working on the book "Metamorphoses and symbols of libido" and ending with Chapter
"Victim", I knew that publishing it would end my friendship with Freud.
I was going to formulate her own concept of incest,
to consider the various the transformation of the notion of libido and so much more, than
completely disagreed with Freud. Incest, in my opinion, only in some
the cases can be regarded as a deviation. In General, incest
the fundamental role played by the religious content. It is not surprising that
this motif and occupied such an important place in all cosmogonies. But Freud,
clinging to the literal meaning, and would not understand its symbolic essence. And it was
it is quite clear that he never would have accepted such an interpretation.
 I spoke about my fears to my wife. She tried to comfort me,
believing that  Freud's enough generosity to allow me to have
own opinion, even if he considers this to be unacceptable. But I was
convinced to return and two months did not dare to put pen to paper. I was tormented
question: is it worth my silence of our friendship? But finally I did begin to
work and it really led to the breakup.
 After our separation, all the friends and acquaintances turned away from me. My
the book announced an insipid, me - a mystic, so the matter ended.
Riklin and maeder have been the only one who never left me. The isolation has not been
surprise me, no illusions about the reactions of my so
called friends I had. I've thought it over, realizing that their
beliefs will have to pay that "Victim" will require sacrifice and
me. And although I could not count on understanding, the book
still didn't stop.

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