Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I felt as if I was illuminated for a moment

In General, all this was for me an important experience through which from
his youthful philosophizing, I went to psychological explanation
spiritual phenomena to find something objective in the human
psyche. And yet these experiences were such that I had no idea who
could tell all the circumstances of the case. So I had to forget
for a while about the subject of my reflections. My thesis appeared only later
two years.

 At the clinic where I worked, the place of the old Immerman took Friedrich von
Muller. In it I found a man close to me in mind. Mueller was able to
superior insight to capture the essence of the problem and to formulate
issues so that they are already half contained a solution. He, with his
the parties seem to sympathise with me, because after graduation
offered to move with him to Munich as his assistant. I'm ready
was to accept his offer and become a therapist, if that hadn't happened
the event did not leave me any doubt as to the choice of the future
 Of course, I attended lectures in psychiatry and practiced at the clinic, but
then our teacher was provided. But the memories of
how affected my father's stay in psychiatric hospital,
least of all had to specialize in this field. Therefore,
in preparation for the state exam, textbook on psychiatry I revealed in
last. I haven't expected and still remember,
opening the manual Krafft-Ebing, I thought, "Well, we'll see what valuable
tell us psychiatrists". Lectures and clinical classes are not made for me
the slightest experience and demonstration of clinical cases I have not
left with nothing but boredom and disgust.
 I started with the Preface, expecting to find out what arepsychiatrists,
than they actually justify the existence of their subject. To my
arrogant attitude towards psychiatry did not cause reproaches, I should explain
what physicians at the time, as a rule, treated with psychiatry
disregard. No one knew anything about her real views, and not
there was a psychology that would treat man as a single
whole, there were no descriptions of different kinds of diseases, so
it was impossible to judge pathology. The clinic Director was usually locked in
the same room with their patients, myself  the hospital, cut off from
the outside world, was located somewhere on the outskirts of the city, as a kind of
the leprosarium. No one was up to these business persons. Doctors usually
Amateurs - little was known and experienced in relation to their patients the same
feelings that mere mortals. Mental illness was considered hopeless and
fatal, and this fact cast a shadow over psychiatry as a whole. On
psychiatrists in those days looked askance, and I was soon convinced personally.
 So I began with the Preface, which immediately ran into
the following phrase "Probably due to the specifics of the subject and its lack
research and development textbook of psychiatry in varying degrees, suffer
subjectivity". Below are some the author called the psychoses "disease personality".
Suddenly my heart began pounding, in excitement I jumped up from the table and
took a deep breath. I felt as if I was illuminated for a moment, and I realized: here it is, my
only goal - psychiatry. There could only connect two
the direction of my interests. In psychiatry I saw a box
practical research, both in biology and in the field
human  consciousness, a combination that I searched everywhere and could not find
anywhere. Finally, I found the area where the interaction of nature and spirit
has become a reality.

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